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Jisung awoke the next morning with his head resting on Minhos chest, mind feeling slightly hazy as his eyes struggled to adjust to the bright light shining in from the nearby window, a soft glow enhancing the features of his sleeping boyfriend. The boy let out a soft sigh, slightly ruffling his own hair as he slowly sat up. Regretting his decision instantly, the blonde struggled to keep in the soft whine threatening to escape his lips from even the slightest of movements. His cheeks dusted a rosy pink, Jisung becoming very aware of both he and Minhos lack of clothing; a thin blanket being the only barrier between the younger and complete humiliation. The night before had been too full of hormones and bliss, the boy too distracted to even consider the fact that he was completely vulnerable in that state, his only focus being on Minho and what he'd been busy with.

"Angel?" Minho hummed, eyes squinting open as he took in the sight of the now wide-awake blonde, who was quick to cover himself with another nearby blanket. "What time is it?"
His voice came out groggy and slightly scratchy, evidence that backed up just how exhausted he was from the night before.

Jisung managed a shy smile and shrugged, wincing as his boyfriend wrapped an arm around his waist to pull him closer. Minho sent him a concerned frown, the blonde immediately reacting unintentionally as his face tinted a deep crimson.

"Sore.." Jisung admitted, his voice coming out much meeker and timid than he'd originally intended it to. It was almost embarrassing; his vocal chords giving out halfway through the word, but he really had no control over it.

Tracing light shapes on the skin of the blonde's bare back, Minho frowned as if he were annoyed with himself in a way. "I'm sorry," he mumbled, the words sounding like a sigh and whisper in one.

Immediately shaking his head, Jisung hushed the boy with an innocent butterfly kiss to his collarbone. It was an act of reassurance, because words didn't seem like enough to satisfy the discontent in the older boy. "Don't be sorry," he whispered, making sure Minho had heard him clearer than day.

Moving the few strands of hair away from his eyes, the older looked down at the boy against him. "Do you need anything?"

Jisung shook his head, lingering a gentle kiss against Minhos cheek as if it'd prove his point more.
"I'm okay," he sighed truthfully, the only thing seeming to cause him unbearable discomfort being Minhos sour feelings.

"Okay..." Minho drew on, not entirely convinced but lacking the will to continue when the blonde concluded otherwise. He slowly shut his mouth and enjoyed the easy silence that had quickly filled the room.

School was in the far back of their minds at that point. Skipping one day wouldn't hurt, especially when decent reasoning stayed put behind it. It was as simple as wanting a break from the stressful pressure of socializing and simply being around other people. Minho's mom had always been one for allowing him to stay home occasionally when he couldn't get out of bed, or even when he just wanted to be in the comfort of his own home. That was something he was beyond grateful for, and he chose not to take advantage of the small privileges he was given from time to time.

"Are you hungry?" the older boy quietly asked, not wanting to entirely ruin the leveled silence they basked in. He made a mental note reminding himself of the fact that he hadn't seen Jisung eat since early yesterday morning, so he only hoped the blonde said yes.

Nodding tiredly, Jisung rubbed his eyes, before slowly sitting up again. Minho followed his actions, but soon got up to put clothes on. The younger couldn't help but feel an unbearable heat creep up his neck and color his cheeks, so he avoided eye contact with his boyfriend by playing with a string on the blanket.

Once Minho was fully clothed in a pair of sweatpants and a loose shirt, he walked over to his closet in search of something for the other to wear. He tugged a black t-shirt off of the hanger and gently threw it onto the bed, before pulling out both a pair of basketball shorts and sweatpants. He silently held them up, waiting for Jisung to choose which he'd prefer to wear.

The blonde weakly pointed to the sweatpants, his embarrassment still vividly evident. Minho handed him the clothes he needed, before leaving the room after stating he wanted to brush his teeth. Jisung took this as his invitation to change, pulling each item of coverage on as quickly as he could. They fit a bit loose on him, but he didn't mind in the slightest. In fact, he preferred it that way.

After a few short-lived minutes of staring off into space, Minho walked back in with a smile on his face. He was unpredictable at times, and it brightly showed when he wrapped his arms around the blonde soon after walking in.

Immediately following his steps, Jisung reached up and intertwined his hands behind the older boy's neck. "What?" he mumbled, mainly because he was confused at the sudden touchiness. It wasn't as if he hated it; it was far from that. It was just that he hadn't been expecting it right then and there. But then again, Minho was unpredictable.

"I just wanted to hug you," he replied nonchalantly, waiting for Jisung's gaze to meet his. "Is that so illegal?" he teased, adding to the easy atmosphere his room contained. He loved the small reactions the blonde would give after hearing his humor, even if it wasn't the funniest at times.

Grinning, Jisung shook his head ever so slightly, before drawing his eyes back to the other's. "Of course not," he whispered, quickly tightening his hold on the taller, before releasing it entirely.

Jokingly pouting from the lack of contact, Minho followed the blonde out of the room and down the stairs towards the kitchen without much more playful antics.

VIVA LA VIDA ━ MINSUNG ✓Where stories live. Discover now