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March 24, 2019


You don't need to say sorry for falling asleep. I just hope you know you talk in your sleep. You were mumbling things like how much you love me and how much you want to talk to me in person...

I'm kidding, but not about the fact that you talk in your sleep, because you do.

I remember telling you in a previous letter that I wasn't a great guesser. I want you to also know that I'm not a great finder either, so although I'll stalk the lunch detention like an actual creep, I doubt I'll find you. Even if I did, I don't think I'd have the guts to talk to you.

Anyway, I'm up for calling whenever you are.

Love, L.M.

Stuffing his pencil back into the front pocket of his backpack, Minho quickly folded his letter before standing up from the library table. He normally never felt like eating, let alone being, in the cafeteria during lunch, so he continuously found himself either wandering the halls in search of something to pinch his time, or leaning back in a library chair in hopes of catching some sleep.

Although, today felt different. Now knowing that the boy he was writing back and forth with had lunch detention occasionally, Minho had a small feeling he could see who H.J was. His mind was currently focused on the fact that H.J had finished off his letter with the word love, but he wanted to blame it on the pure fact that that was how a lot off people signed their letters.

Pulling the library door open, he walked through before turning to go down the stairs, towards the classroom where lunch detention was currently being held.

It really wasn't a long journey to the class, but dodging the hall monitors was a bit of a challenge. Once finally arriving, though, he peeked through the glass square in the door, looking at only a few students sitting there doing absolutely nothing.

There were only two students with blond hair, so quickly sighing, Minho opened the door, walking in as if he were meant to be there too.

A few pairs of eyes had caught his gaze, yet he only focused on the two with blond hair, subtly scanning the both of them to maybe play a game of connect the dots and take a guess at who H.J was.

He was staring at one of them, when the boy had turned away from his hands, ultimately looking shocked, and even a little bit intimidated when he made eye contact. Minho felt like he had scared the boy by just staring at him, so he rushed his gaze towards the other blond, who was being obnoxiously loud.

Immediately thinking it was H.J, Minho kept his gaze on the boy whenever he wasn't looking nor close to looking his way. The boy he'd been writing letters to, and had been sharing his basic life with, was right there, yet he still couldn't find the courage to say hi.

Believing that talking to the boy face to face would be maybe too awkward, Minho pulled his phone from the front pocket of jeans; opening up his call app to scan his most recent calls.

Clicking call on H.J's number, he quickly put the phone to his ear, still eyeing the boy who was being loud.

He could only hear the buzzing coming from his phone, before a phone went off from a few desks beside him. It wasn't the blonde being loud, but rather, the blonde being quiet. Maybe it was just a coincidence, the boy getting a call as soon as he rang H.J, yet Minho couldn't help but stare at the boy in subtle shock.

Jisung had looked up after realizing L.M was calling, noting that the boy halfway across the classroom was straight up staring at him.

"Hello?" Minho heard from over the phone, watching as the quiet blonde spoke. His eyes went wide in realization, before he quickly answered himself.

"Hi..." he trailed off, watching as the boy's eyes met his a second time. He could see the shock in his eyes, even from afar, as realization hit him too. He looked terrified, almost, so as quickly as he had answered the call, he hung up. H.J grabbed his backpack, throwing it over his right shoulder, before leaving the classroom without permission. If getting away from the boy he'd been writing to, who had just found out his identity, meant getting another lunch detention, he'd do it a million times.

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