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Walking into his dance class the next day, Minho could full heartedly say he was stressed. Jisung had fallen asleep at his house last night, so not knowing what to do, he grabbed a blanket from his closet and slept on the floor; earning him a decent amount of awful sleep. When he had managed to send himself into dreamland, though, Jisung eventually left without bothering to wake him up. The blonde hadn't even texted him to say why he uped and left as soon as he was passed out.

Running a hand through his hair, Minho set his backpack on the desk he sat at so it wasn't in his way, before pushing it up against the wall like every student in the class did to make room for dancing. On certain days, they were forced to use a regular drama classroom for dancing due to the band or choir practicing in the theater itself. It wasn't a bad thing, he believed, but it certainly wasn't ideal.

He quickly tugged on the strings of his sweatpants to tighten the waistband; tying the two sides into loops to keep it from loosening, before starting his stretching routine. He always chose to stretch in different ways than the class normally did to fit his own body's needs. If they were doing leg workouts, it wasn't like he'd work on stretching out his arms first, for quite obvious reasons.

After a decent amount of time stretching both his upper and lower body, Minho shuffled to the back line as his teacher prepared the music they practiced to. "We're just reviewing the same thing we did yesterday. We'll go through the dance once, before switching lines so everyone gets a chance at the front."

Once the music started, Minho got lost in himself; moving exactly how he wanted as he imagined him elsewhere but there. He imagined he was in a place where nobody could see him; a place in which flying was something only the biggest hearts could achieve if hard enough work was put into it. Dancing was his form of flying, because it was obvious he wasn't a bird with wings, but rather a human with arms. Dancing was the closest thing he could get to it, so putting himself in the headspace where he was the only one present; his body liquified as it moved to the music, was a blessing in itself.

The minute long dance was over just as quickly as it had started, so moving up a line, Minho took in a few breaths of air, before releasing each for the same amount of time. He could here the door of the classroom crack open a bit as someone walked in, but he paid no mind to them as he continued to review the dance in his head in case it happened to slip away.

He repeated his small headspace concept again; this time feeling better than the last. Although he was too focused to smile, he could feel the happiness flow through his veins. Dancing truly was his euphoria, and living off of it day in, day out, was one of the only things that had kept him going.

Their second time going through the dance had finished, and Minho was already close to sweating. The routine they were learning wasn't hard in a major sense, but it certainly wasn't all that easy either.

Switch lines again, the dark haired boy finally made it to the front. Not only that, but he had now made sense of the person that walked through the door a few minutes ago; who was simply watching them practice. Jisung.

The blonde wasn't looking at him in the moment, but Minho still sent him a lopsided smile before preparing to dance a third time. Jisung had skipped class to come watch him practice, and knowing that gave Minho a weird boost of confidence he didn't know was hidden somewhere in himself. The boy wanted to watch him dance; so he only hoped he could live up to his mental standards that were possibly there.

Staring at Jisung until the boy noticed his gaze, Minho listened to the beginning of the song before bringing his full attention back to dancing. He felt so beyond proud of himself for how far he's come on the path towards his dream.

After yet another quick minute of dancing their short routine, Minho clapped, not just at himself, but at everyone there who had done their own part. He felt happiest and most welcomed around the people who understood what he did; so it was hard not to show it.

He was, fortunately and coincidentally, the last line, so after being told to take a break by his teacher, he walked up to the shy blonde he had grown to love seeing at random times.

"Hey," he smiled, kneeling down in front of the boy; who was sat on the floor since the moments following his entrance in the room.

"Hi," Jisung sheepishly muttered, ultimately deciding not to directly look at Minho because he knew he'd just turn red. "I'm sorry for leaving early last night without warning. I had to get home."

Shaking his head, Minho fully sat down before crossing his legs, intertwining his own fingers in between each other. "Don't be," he said in a quite reassuring manner. "I'm glad you're here now. Are you skipping class?"

Nodding, that blush Jisung was attempting to suppress had fought its way to the surface of his cheeks. He didn't really want to admit he was only skipping class to see Minho dance, but it was so blatantly obvious that that was the only truth.

"I could've shown you another time so you wouldn't have to skip class," Minho teased, tilting his head to watch Jisung's reaction. The blonde wasn't looking at him, so he strained his neck trying to at least be in his peripheral vision again.

Jisung just shrugged. "Some kids were making fun of my eye, anyway.. I wanted to leave."

"What kids?" Minho quietly questioned, narrowing his eyes at the boy out of habit; as if doing so would get him further into the depths of what Jisung was thinking.

Shaking his head, the blonde simply tugged on a loose string from the bottom of his hoodie to keep himself slightly occupied. "Just some kids, doesn't matter," he sighed, looking up at Minho; taking a quick mental note of the concern in his eyes. "You're really talented," he spoke once again, this time switching the topic so it wasn't on himself anymore.

"I don't like the idea of someone trying to hurt you," the elder mumbled, bringing Jisung's attention back to the fact that what was happening to him wasn't okay and shouldn't have been ignored.

The blonde immediately turned red after hearing Minho's words; genuinely not expecting him to say that in specific.

Noting his change in demeanor from slightly confident, to shy all over again, Minho smirked as he tilted his head again in an attempt to catch Jisung's darting gaze. "You're cute when you blush."

Bringing his chin even closer to his chest, just so he wasn't looking at the elder, Jisung shook his head. He felt that was all he could do in that particular moment. "Not really..." he timidly muttered, still twirling that loose string from his hoodie between his fingers.

"You can deny it all you want," Minho teased, loving the effect he had on the blonde. He felt as if he could sit within five feet of the boy and he'd go into shock. "...But that doesn't change the truth."

Running a hand over his face; trying to imagine himself not blushing anymore, Jisung looked up shyly. "You know exactly what you're doing, stop."

"What am I doing?" Minho wondered aloud, playing the role of a dumb teen his age. Jisung had no words to react with, so instead, he shook his head in mock annoyance while attempting to hide his smile. "Anyway," the elder continued, quieting down his own humor to focus on the more serious aspects of his thoughts. "I want to take you out sometime."

"L-Like a date?" the younger stuttered, somehow allowing his nervousness to get the best of him.

Minho felt a slight smile tug at the corner of his lips as he grabbed the younger boys hand, causing the blonde to look up slowly.

"Exactly like a date, Jisung."

VIVA LA VIDA ━ MINSUNG ✓Where stories live. Discover now