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*trigger warning*

attempted suicide

Walking along a path towards the only bridge in their town, Minho stared at the world around him. He found beauty in the smallest things offered, and took every chance he got at basking in them. By now, the sun was set just on the horizon, adding more flavor of pink, orange, and yellow hues to the world's natural colors.

His mom had set him out to buy groceries, yet the evening called on him to walk it's mysteries and tell it's stories of truth and hidden charms. Rather than disregarding it as another run for food in sweatpants and bed-hair, Minho took it as a chance for opportunity and journey. Maybe he was just looking for peace to share about with those he loved, or simply just a natural method of relaxation in itself.

Planting his feet against the gravel leading to the bridge with each step, Minho sighed, a pang in his heart not leaving to rest. He wish his mind wasn't so focused on school or grades, because living in the moment like he was right then made him notice just how much he was missing out.

Pulling himself away from his own head, he looked at the trees and how they swayed to the rythm of the light breeze. He then forced his gaze to the bushes and other worldly plants surrounding him. They were all beautifully unique; each having their own shape, size, and colors which had only added to the realistic aspect of life.

His feet had made it to the wooden planks of the bridge, the sound of rushing water below heard even more louder than before. He tugged his gaze upward to see how far he had gone, almost immediately noting the figure on the opposite end of the bridge. It was like a scene pulled straight from a movie, yet so much more terrifying because it was real. "Jisung?" Minho mumbled, seeing blonde colored hair even from afar. The boy had turned and looked at him, his face instantly falling. It was Jisung, yet the boy Minho fell for looked so far gone already.

He wanted to believe that Jisung was a backwards boy like himself; tired of small city noise and the claustrophobic feeling it constantly gave. He wanted to believe that his boyfriend was there for the same reason he was; to enjoy life in its most simply divine offerings, yet the blonde looked the complete opposite of that. His cheeks were tear-stained canvases, telling the story of a broken boy with an even more broken life.

Minho had gone there to enjoy life, but Jisung went there to end it; and that was what hit him hard.

Tugging himself away from his thoughts, as if being there too long would cause the boy to disappear forever, Minho cautiously continued walking towards the boy. "Come here, please," he shakily mumbled, holding his hand out as if that'd do anything. Jisung simply shook his head, staring at the way his converse laces were left untied and dangling towards their end.

"I'm just sitting here," Jisung quietly voiced, staring at the river water below. He certainly wasn't scared of heights, but more so of the impact that came after falling.

Stepping closer, Minho tilted his head. "Why?" he questioned gently, just wanting to get to the boy and pull him away. But he couldn't, because he believed he'd only make things worse by going too fast.

"Because," Jisung shrugged, before shutting his mouth as if that was all he had to say. He hadn't spared a glance at his boyfriend, because the only two feelings that littered the walls of his veins were guilt, and an overwhelming sense of numbness. "It's pretty up here," he quickly added, startling Minho in the slightest.

The elder felt numb; his brain completely frozen after realizing just how much he didn't know, or wasn't told, about the blonde. He knew Jisung was in pain, but he didn't know the extent of it because he was never given the chance of holding onto that information. "Just come over here, angel," Minho stammered, slowly stepping forward a bit more. His knees felt as if they were about to buckle underneath him, but he forced himself to remain stoic.

"I-I don't want to," Jisung stuttered, his hands on the bridge's railing tightening with each second gone by. He felt like a ticking timebomb that was unable to be stopped.

"Please, Jisung," Minho gently pleaded, not wanting the younger to hear just how scared he was. He was a short distance a way, yet it felt as if the space between them was infinite.

"I'm so tired, Minho." The blonde's voice had cracked in the middle of his sentence; pain so obvious behind his words. "And it feels like I can't breathe because it hurts so much. Everything hurts and it won't stop."

By now, Jisung had started crying again, but it was quiet; like he didn't want Minho knowing even when he already did.

"I know," the chestnut haired boy shakily replied, taking the last few steps forward before wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's torso with a firm hold. "I know." Whispers seemed to have gotten to him, because as soon as Minho got a grip on his clothes and body, he felt like falling forward.

Sobbing, Jisung did the complete opposite of that; instead, tightly gripping Minho's own hands as he pulled himself down. His cries were silent at first, but they were the most broken and emotionally loudest. His agony hadn't let go of him, so with each day, he suffered more slowly. He had wanted to end, not only the pain he caused himself, but the pain he caused others too, by jumping. He just wanted to become another star in the sky; like the ones he and Minho had seen at the planetarium.

"I'm sorry," he weakly breathed, pulling himself into Minho's chest as if realizing what his actions were screaming. He personally wanted to scream and cry at the top of his lungs, because the amount of pain he was in felt like it was ripping his heart into two. The fact that not even his own parents cared for him was just another reason for living lost.

He covered Minho's shirt in tears so heavy and broken; he couldn't stop his own self. "Don't be sorry," the elder weakly stuttered, his voice also breaking halfway through as he fought back his own tears.

Slowly, he walked Jisung away from the edge of the bridge as the boy continued to release the entirety of his pain in one go. He was a broken piece of glass, like the ones at home, yet no amount of superglue could've put him back together right that second. Minho coursed his fingers through the blonde's hair, his anxiety soon coming into play as his own body shook. He was shocked, and overall terrified of everything that had just happened. Tightening his hold on the boy, believing that anything less would result in more pain, Minho held onto Jisung as he stood there crying.

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