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Sporting a piercing headache, Minho wanted nothing more than to bang his head on the desk before him, to pack his books up and leave the classroom. No teacher or class managed to tick the boy off other than this one, and the mere thought of staying there for the last 15 minutes of class seemed nearly unbearable.

His hand ached as he hastily copied the answers to the previous nights geometry homework from the person beside him, mentally scolding himself for being so forgetful. Minho knew, however, that a few missed homework assignments would be worth it if he got to spend more time with his boyfriend.

Feeling frustrated with the clock— why couldn't it go faster?— and lonely without the younger by his side, Minho briefly considered taking a quick nap on his probably germ-infested desk; before realizing that probably wasn't a good idea if he valued his health.

The assignment he was handed made no sense within the chemicals in his brain, and he questioned when he would ever need to use this in his life.

Jisung was in Science, if Minho remembered his schedule properly, and he was slightly envious of his boyfriend for the fact that he was in his favorite class and the elder was in a class that made him want to rip his hair out. Minho didn't know anybody in his mathematics class, and it didn't help that he was so quiet.

As much as he wanted to speak up, to make some friends for a change, nothing ever came out of his mouth. He felt as if his vocal cords were severed, his mouth filled with cotton.

Leaning his cheek against his fist, Minho stared at the chair in front of him, praying that the clocks would somehow arrange their hands to fifteen minutes ahead so they could technically leave.

He told himself he wasn't even going to attempt the math in front of him anymore; seeing no real improvement since the period had first started. Closing his eyes, he ignored the people around him focused on getting rid of his headache to the best of his abilities.

As soon as he wished for the clocks to move faster, the bell rung, startling him away from the back of his eyelids. Bolting up, he quickly swung his backpack over a shoulder before walking towards Jisung's science classroom.

Waiting for the blonde to finish packing his stuff up, Minho waited outside the door. He gently smiled at the boy when he looked up and caught his gaze, but that was immediately wiped from his features. "Hey, what's wrong?"

Shaking his head, Jisung stuffed his hands into the front pockets of his jeans. "Nothing," he weakly smiled, yet Minho could see straight through it; as if he had put a transparent mask over his real feelings.

"Something," the elder corrected, tilting his head so Jisung would look at him. "You're more fidgety today."

The blonde plainly shrugged his shoulders; an indefinite answer to Minho's curiosities. "I'm just super sleepy," he mumbled, turning his gaze to his shoes as the two of them walked down the hall.

"Are you sure?" the chestnut haired boy questioned, not really hearing any truth behind his words. They were supposed to trust each other, yet the look Jisung had glued to his face and the melancholic drops in his words were hard to ignore.

"Yes, Minho," the younger muttered quickly. Saying he was tired wasn't exactly a lie, because he was. Yet he didn't want the boy so worked up because of him.

Cautious and a bit worried, Minho simply nodded. "Alright," he mumbled, walking the boy to his next class. He knew Jisung was hiding something; the key to his dark change in demeanor, yet he didn't exactly know what. He wanted to help so badly, and it killed him know he couldn't, but Jisung just wouldn't let him in to know what was going on.

VIVA LA VIDA ━ MINSUNG ✓Where stories live. Discover now