Chapter 1 - the look

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Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!, Amy rolls over to the sound of her alarm, it can't be 7am already, she thought, somehow she summons the strength to sit herself up. She finally got up after a few minutes of rolling around the bed avoiding the sun light, and decided to take a shower, when she got out of the shower she got dressed, she threw on some denim shorts and a pink tshirt and decide to leave her long blonde hair down today.

She went downstairs and had a bowl of cereal for breakfast when checked the time it was 7:45, 15 minutes until she was due at her first patients house.

She is a home care nurse for a cancer organisation, who go's round to people's houses who are suffering with cancer and make sure they are ok, give them there medication, cook and tidy up if they need her to.

When she finished her breakfast she headed out the door and got in her car a white Audi A3 and head off to her first patients house it's only round the corner.

She pulled up outside the house, she liked coming to see this woman she is one of her favourite patients "Ginny Pinkman" she said with a smile on her face. She walked up the path of 9809 margo street and knocked on the door and Ginny answers "good morning Ginny, how are you feeling today?" Amy says as Ginny moves aside for her to enter the house, "oh I'm doing fine thank you sweetheart, a pleasure to see you again" she says with a warm smile on her face. They both walk in to the kitchen and Ginny takes a seat in her rocking chair and Amy stands by the coffee machine while she makes them both a drink "so what's new Hun?" Ginny asks politely, "oh not much you know me Ginny I don't lead much of an exciting life" they both chuckle, "no lucky man swept you off your feet yet?" She asks as she winks at her, Amy give her a cheeky smile "no not yet Ginny I guess Iv just not met the right one yet, when I meet him il know there should be a look between us u know?" She said feeling hopeful but it had been such a long time since she even went on a date let alone had a boyfriend, she was beginning to give it up as a bad job and debating wether to buy a bunch of cats . Ginny just smiled and nodded and they both looked up at the ceiling as they heard the sounds of footsteps upstairs, "oh yes! could you set other cup out for coffee please sweet my nephew has moved in with me now and by the sound of it he's awake" Ginny said as she grabbed a box of cereal from the cupboard for her nephew she assumed, "oh ye sure, is he taking care of you now Ginny?" Amy asked, she noticed Ginny looked so happy at the thought of him living with her, "ye, well the best he can he's such a lovely caring young man, I still need you to come round though you can't get off that easy" she laughed "oh Ginny you can't get rid of me that easy, well il have a word with him if that's ok with you and we will do everything between us so you don't have to do a thing just relax and look pretty" she smiled at her.

They were both laughing like two school girls when her nephew walked in the kitchen rubbing the back of his neck. Amy looked round and noticed him he was staring at the ground and when he looked up their eyes met and they both just stood there for a second until Ginny said "good morning darling the coffee is coming, would you like some cereal?" She stood between them both and smiled, "um no I'm good aunt Ginny just coffee is fine thank you" he said, not once takin his eyes off you, "ok sweetie, Jesse this is Amy my home carer but more of a friend" she smiled at Amy and she smiled back, "nice to meet you Jesse, it's really nice of you to come and look after Ginny like this" he smiled at her "nice to meet you too Amy" it went silent in the kitchen until Amy realised the coffee would be ready so she turned around to make them. Wow he's totaly hot!, She thought as she smiled to herself then she heard "you mean that look" Ginny whispered to her and raised her eyebrows.

They all sat around the table sipping coffee and Amy remembered she was technically at work! "Um so Ginny iv got your meds here, jesse you might want to take a look a these so you know which ones she has to take and when, these 3 are painkillers morning noon and night and this one at night to help her sleep cos she gets abit restless at night" she said showing him the weekly tray she set out for Ginny, "if you will excuse me I need to nip upstairs a minute" Ginny said before leaving the room, Jesse smiled and shook his head at Ginny, "so ye I kinda noticed she gets restless she was up walking the house at like 2am yo! I thought there was someone in the house, came outa my room and she offered me tea!" They both started laughing "I think your doing a great job with her she talks about you all the time she sees you more than someone who looks after her" jesse said, she smiled at him and he smiled back and she noticed his bright blue eyes .. My god those eyes I bet he could get what he wanted with those she thought to herself.

"Thank you Jesse, she's a lovely woman, I think we can do alot for her between us, heres my number" she said and passed him a piece of paper, Jesse smiled and raised his eyebrows at her "incase you need anything for Ginny of course. I mean I only live round the corner at number 9760 so don't hesitate regardless the time" she quickly added, "for Ginny... of course" Jesse said with a smile "so I got your number and address with no effort at all" as he bit his bottom lip. Just then Ginny came back in the kitchen.

On her way out Amy said goodbye and gave Ginny a hug and said "il see you tomorrow" Jesse was stood at her side "uh see you around or tomorrow Jesse" she said nervously "ye see ya later, I got your number anyway" he said as he winked. She smiled and headed back to her car, once she was in the car she looked back at the house and Jesse was stood at the door, Ginny had gone in, he didn't close the door till Amy drove away.

Her heart was pounding in her chest and butterflies in her stomach... What the hell had that boy done to her, she didn't know him or anything about him but his presence sent her in a spin, she was so confused it had been so long since she was even interested in anyone let alone felt like this. Needless to say she was in a great mood the rest of the day

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