Chapter 7 - new job

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After Amy told him about the bills he started thinking Mr White he wasn't giving him much of a choice anyway with saying he would talk to the DEA, but with Ginny's bills on top he would have to say yes.

He got up and went into the bathroom, he got his phone out and called Mr White.

"Hello" Mr White said.

"Yo Mr White it's Jesse can you talk?"

"Yes I can talk, have you thought about my offer?" He said bluntly

"Not much of an offer Mr White, but ye I don't have much choice. We need to talk about this so when can we meet?"

"Il come round today after school finishes"

"Alright man"

Jesse hung up, he thought 'shit now I need to get rid of Amy this afternoon'.

He went back downstairs and Amy was still on the sofa watching tv.

"So babe I was thinking we should stop at your place tonight what you think?"

"Ye sure babe what ever anywhere with you is ok with me" she smiled at him.

He sat down next to her and she put her legs on him. He rubbed his hand up her leg and said "Your amazing you know that" she climbed on his lap and they made out for a while.

He checked the time and it was 2:45 and he remembered school finishing at 3 so he said to Amy "Yo so you wona go over to yours and rustle some food up il grab some stuff and meet you there?"

Hoping she would agree because that dick Mr White is due here soon,

"Ye sure babe" she said with a smile, she grabbed her coat and kissed him and said "il see you soon.... Don't miss me too much" she smiled at him and walked out.

He thought 'I gotta make it up to her, I left her with Ginny and now agreeing to cook meth behind her back!"

He sat and waited until Mr White knocked on the door at 3:15, he got up and let him in.

"Damn Mr White you took your time! Jesse snapped at him.

"I couldn't get away any earlier, I couldn't exactly say sorry got to go cook meth" Mr White said sarcastically.

"What ever yo, let's just get this sorted"

Sarcastic bastard! Jesse thought to himself.

"Ok so I brought what we need from the school lab shall we set it up now?"

"Woah! Wait a minute where are you actually wanting to set it up?"

"Here" Mr White said bluntly.

"Not a funking chance! You think I'm that stupid yo!"

"Where do you propose we cook then coz I can't risk my family knowing"

"Ye exactly man I can't risk .... Someone knowing"

Jesse can't tell him about Amy he will use her against him. "We need an RV"

"Where am I supposed to get an RV from?"

"I don't know Mr White, you wanted to do this so you sort it!.... You can keep the stuff here but no longer than a day or so, il go down and open the garage meet me at the door"

Fucking jackass! Ye lets cook meth in my house ... Il take all the risk you take the money ... No chance yo!

Jesse goes in the garage and open the doors

"Stick the boxes over in the corner, I mean it man a couple of days at most! I got people who will see it and I don't know how to explain shit like this"

"Ok il sort the RV and il be in touch but you need to be ready when I do."

"Ok ok are we done here I got somewhere to be"

"Um ye remember be ready when I call"

"What ever man I'm out"

Jesse shut the garage and left for Amy's.


Amy was dancing around the kitchen with her iPod on like she does when she's alone. She is making food and she spins around and bump in to something so she looks up and takes her earphones out.

"You should really lock the door babe anyone could come in" Jesse says before he kisses her on the forehead.

She smiles and think to her self 'he's so Protective it's cute!'

"So hey I think I sorted a job" Jesse says quietly.

"Oh great baby congratulation!,

Doing what?"

"Um ...... Driving... just when the guy calls you know if he's short of guys or what ever, but it could be days or nights depends what he needs" Jesse doesn't seems so excited, Amy puts it down to reality hitting after Ginny's passing.

"Oh never mind baby itl do for now huh, until we get the bills paid off we will manage with what we both earn right?"

"Listen babe I know you want to help but I can't accept your money I got this ok?"

"Ok then but if you struggle you ask me ok .... Promise me?"

"I promise" he says smiling at her and shaking his head "how long till foods ready I'm starving yo!"

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