Chapter 30 - too far

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After Jesse was left wondering what happened with Victor he got back in the car.

"What was that?" Amy asked

"I don't know, he said you got something for my guy so I gave him the the meth, he said he will be in touch and he left!"

"Um ok ... So what now?"

"I don't have a clue, il call Mr white tomorrow see what he says"

They looked at eachother not speaking for a moment.

"I'm getting out of this baby I promise I'm doing all I can, I have a plan just hold on it will all be over soon" he kissed her and she smiled.

"I know you are baby I'm not going anywhere"

The next morning Amy asked Jesse to go round to her house with her so she could get her mail and just check the place over, it seemed forever since she was last there

"I need to call the estate agent and get it sold" Amy said

"Are you sure you want to? It's fine by me but it's your house" Jesse asked

"I don't have a choice, plus it will benefit us, I sell it and we can buy yours, and get baby stuff" she said with a huge grin on her face.

"Baby we don't need your money, I got it sorted" Jesse said

"Yeah I know but if your getting out you won't always have it, at least mine is a legal house sale it can stay in the bank for a rainy day" she said with her hands on her hips.

She has a point Jesse thought.

"Ok babe if that's what you want we will call them when we get back"

They walked in to Amy's house and there were a ton of letters.

Jesse sat down while Amy opened the mail.

"Rubbish, rubbish ... What's this"

Amy opened the big brown envelope.

"Baby we got our 1st scan date! We get to see our baby"

"Oh wow when is It?"

"Shit it's tomorrow, I bet this had been here a while, I haven't been back for a few weeks"

"Well it's a good job we came back then, no matter what that jack ass says when I call later I'm not missing tomorrow"

Jesse got up and put his arms around her waist.

"Too right your not, il go round and kick his ass my self if he made you miss it"

Jesse laughed at her comment

"Your so violent Amy" he laughed again and kissed her cheek from behind.

"Yeah well he makes me angry" she laughed too.

Jesses phone started ringing.

"Speak of the devil"

"Mr White?"

"Yep" Jesse said sounding disappointed!

"Yo ... Mr White, what's up"

"Just calling to see how you went with calling your contacts"

"Uh yeah everyone was talking about this one guy so i met with him and gave him a sample and he's going to get back to me" Jesse squeezed his eyes shut waiting for Mr White to shout at him.

"What! You gave our product away with no guarantee of a deal .... Have you lost your mind!"

"Yo Mr White chill man! .. God .. Trust me for once in your miserable life!"

"Fine Jesse il trust you but if this doesn't go well it's coming out of your share!"

"What the hell y0! I'm the one doing all the work your sat at home playing happy family's!"

"Oh really Jesse am I! Skylar is moving out! All because your bitch of a girlfriend couldn't keep her mouth shut!"

"Fuck you bitch that was not Amy's fault! Your wife left because you lied to her! You got her kidnapped, and didn't tell her you had cancer! Oh and I bet you being a horrible, miserable son of a bitch helped! So leave Amy out of your failed marriage. You did that yourself, anyway what ever il get in touch when the guy does"

He hung up the phone and Amy could see he was angry.

"What's he say babe?" She asked him

"Skylar has left him and he's blaming you! He's pushed me too far now and when I get out of this I'm taking him down with me!"

Amy thought to her self ...

'Oh god what's he going to do, I mean Mr White deserves what he gets but I don't want Jesse in danger, there has to be a way he can leave this, take Mr White down and be safe???




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