Chapter 16 - suprise!

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Amy woke up in hospital, the first thing that came to her mind before she opened her eyes was Jesse.

"JESSE JESSE!!" She shouted

"Babe I'm here! I'm here" he said holding her hand.

She opened her eyes and when she saw him and started crying.

"It's ok babe I'm here, Iv got you"

She just sobbed then she gave a gasp, Jesse looked at her

She swallowed hard dreading what she was about to say "....combo?"

Jesse grabbed her face and she knew. She couldn't say a thing her body wouldn't let her.

"He died instantly babe, I'm going to say this once and that it don't you dare blame yourself!" Jesse said to her

"where's that bastard I want to see him I won't forget that face a second time!"

She said trying to get out of bed.

"The driver? ...What you mean a second time, babe your not thinking straight you need to lay down!" Jesse said trying to lay her down.

"It was him ... Him from the club" Amy said crying her eyes out

"Babe come on your hallucinating" he was getting worried now so he buzzed for the doctor.

"Jesse I know who I saw and it was him .... Shit I remember... He works for that ass who beat you ... Tuco is it?"

"What?! How do you know his name I never told you!" Jesse could feel his anger building up,

"Like I said he works for him he hit us and walked over to the car and told me to tell you this is your final warning and it's not over ... Then i blacked out I think"

Jesse was about to reply when the doctor walked in.

"Oh your awake Amy, how are we feeling?" The doctor asked

"I'm in fuckin pain what do you think! I want to go home now you can't make me stay" Amy screamed she began pullin all the tubes and wirse out of her, so the doctor had to give her a shot to calm her down.

Jesse looked at him like what he hell you just stabbed in her!

"It's just to calm her down sir she's got some bad injurys she can't be diving about like she is"

"What injurys has she got?" Jesse asked

"Well she has 4 broken ribs, a fractured wrist, various deep lacerations serious bruising around her left eye and a concussion" the doctor said looking at her chart.

"Jesus Christ" Jesse said rubbing the back of his neck.

"But other than that they are both ok" the doctor said

"WHAT! That bastard is here!" Jesse shouted at the doctor

"Sorry sir I don't understand"

The doctor said confused

"The driver the bitch who hit my girlfriend, you said they are both ok" Jesse was fuming.

"Oh no no your girlfriend ..... and the baby"



Jesse had to sit down before he fell down! A baby what the hell!

"Sir you seem suprised ...did you not know about the baby?"

"Um no ... how um far is she?" Jesse asked

"She's 7 weeks so still early days, already a little fighter" the doctor smiled

"Um yeah.... Can I have a minute please"

"Ye sure buzz me again if she wakes up"

With that the doctor left and Jesse had time to think while the doctors weren't there and Amy was out cold.

7 weeks, Amy and Jesse had been together 5 month at this point.

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