Chapter 28 - not like us

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SORRY ITS NOT LONG - I'm potty training my son so i don't have much time at the minute! ha



That night Jesse laid in bed thinking what he could do

'We could run away or go to the police and I take what ever punishment I get ... But Amy could get in trouble for knowing ... Shit I can't get her in to trouble, I need to get Mr White to see sense!'

He rolled over and looked at Amy who was tucked under his arm and had a tight grip of his waist, she wasn't letting go any time soon.

After laying there looking at her till the early hours he must have fallen asleep because he woke up when he felt her move.

"Morning beautiful" he said

"Hey baby" Amy said

"Listenin im going to see Mr white today, I'm asking him to let me out if this, I don't think it's going to be as easy as that but I can't keep putting you in danger"

"What ever you thinks best baby but can I um ... come with you, I really don't want want to be alone"

"I wouldn't want you to be alone baby" he said stroking her face.

They both got ready and drove to Mr Whites house, they figured they could go without calling seen as Skylar knew now.

The walked up the drive way and Amy's hold on jesses hand got tighter, Jesse stopped and grabbed her face and kissed her "baby it's ok I'm here, I will die before I let anyone hurt you again" she smiled and said "ditto" Jesse shook his head and gave a little laugh.

They knocked on the door and Walt answered.

"Why are you here?"

"Um ye hey to you too Mr White!. we need to talk"

He stepped aside to let them in and they all went and sat at the table.

"So what's the problem" Mr White said getting to the point.

"Um I don't know how to say this I um .. I want out .. No I need out" Jesse said looking at Amy.

"No, no way. Anything else?" He said sternly.

"What do you mean no! He's not your lapdog!" Amy snapped at him.

"No but I have a hold over him and he will cook with me until I am finished or I will not be afraid to tell the DEA about his past cooks" Mr White said with smug smile on his face.

"Oh yeah and what about if we tell about you blackmailing Jesse!" Amy said thinking she had one over on him.

"What a family man, an educator, a cancer victim cooking meth with a low life drug addict ... Show me a judge and jury who will believe that and il tell them myself" he said laughing.

Amy was getting angry she was dying to dive over the table and choke Mr White!.

"Any way because we known no one is going to say anything lets discuss our next move .. we need a new Tuco but they have to be trust worthy" Mr White said like it was easy to come by.

"Not going to happen Mr White, you don't get understanding, trust worth drug dealers it's not in their nature there not like me and you" Jesse said shaking his head.

"That it Jesse! No one is like us ... So we will be the understanding, trustworthy drug dealers!"

"What?" Jesse said confused.

"We will sell in bulk, people will come to us not you chasing meth heads round town at all hours" Mr White was proud of his plan.

"Yo Mr White we don't have the street cred to do that! You can't just sell where ever you like it's not Girl Scouts!" Jesse was worried what Mr White was going to get them in to.

"We can do this Jesse! If anyone doesn't like it then we talk to them and discuss partnering up, win win"

"Discuss ye right!, and who's going to be the one who finds the people who will buy in bulk" Jesse knew it would be him!

"Well you have all the contacts... Ask about Jesse, remember .. Apply yourself!"

"I should apply my foot up your ass man! Your going to get us killed!"

"Don't be over dramatic Jesse, just call about and see what you hear" he said getting up. "Now is there anything else you want to say before you leave?" He asked walking towards the door .

"Nope" Jesse said.

"Ye .. Your a fucking ass."

Amy said as she walked or the door

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