Chapter 22 - proposition

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Amy, Jesse and Mr White got into the RV and drove out to the desert.

"Where are we going exactly?" Amy asked

"Just a random spot out in the desert we always cook in the same spot" Jesse said.

Amy was looking round and she couldn't believe her eyes at the set up that they had.

When they pulled over Mr White went outside to change and Jesse and Amy were in the RV, "babe I'm sorry ... again shouldn't have to be here to see this" he kissed her.

"Babe Its ok stop apologising it was me who suggested it....Plus I get to see your sexy ass at work" Amy winked and Jesse smiled at her.

Mr White came back in and said "right Jesse get your equipment on and Amy take a seat and get comfy"

He turned away and Amy saluted to Jesse they both started laughing, Mr White shook his head and carried on started the cook

2 hours into the cook Amy was so bored she was about to drive the RV off a cliff just for some excitement!

Jesse kept coming into the front and checking on her and giving her a kiss.

4 hours in Jesse came to the front and said "done babe, shall we go for food I'm starving" he laughed.

"Sure babe... Id kill for some coffee" she gave Jesses please! Smile.

"Aww babe coffee is on the list... I suppose one wouldn't kill" he said giving in to her.

"What list" Mr White said

"Oh shit i didn't tell you man.... Were having a baby" they both smiled in excitement

"Oh ... Not what I was expecting ... Congratulations"

"Your wife is pregnant isn't she Mr White?" Amy asked

"Uh yes she's 7 month, it's a girl, you look well, how far are you?

"It's only early, 8 weeks now" she smiled

"Very nice, more reason to get this out the way" waving the bag of ricen/crystal they just made.

"Ok so il arrange with Tuco to go to his building tomorrow and we need to make sure he takes it there and then"

"Yeah man what ever just tell me when and il be there" Jesse said eager to get it done

"He's going to get what he deserves Amy, don't worry" Mr White said .... What the hell since when did he care! Amy thought.

They started packing up and headed home.

Mr White dropped Jesse and Amy at a pizza place not far from their house.

They ate pizza and started walking home talking about everything; the baby, Tuco, combo, their parents.

Jesse stopped walking when he noticed his parents car outside the house "what the hell are they doing here!?" Jesse said, Amy looked around confused "who babe who's here" ... "My parents are at the house"

They carried on walking and Jesse went to put the key in the door but it was already unlocked! "You got to be shitting me!!" Jesse threw the door open "YO! What the hell is this" his mum dad and brother were sat on the sofa.

"We need to talk to you" Jesses said said. "You do realise most people pick to the phone right? Not just let them selves in to someone's house" Jesse said. He was fuming.

"Well it's technically our house but that's what we want to talk about, could you both take a seat please" Jesses mom said. "Don't tell me what to do in MY house!" Jesse shouted at her "babe come on sit down" Amy grabbed his hand and pulled him over to the other sofa.

"Thank you, we have a proposition for you.. Both" Jesse dad said getting some paperwork out.

"Put the paperwork Away dad I ain't signing shit!"

"Just listen to him first babe" Amy asked him calmly.

"thank you Amy. You seem really good for our son" he smiled at her "anyway ... the proposition is we let you stay here rent free as Jesse has been doing, with the understanding we get to see our grandchild and know where you and the baby are at all times" Jesses dad looked at them both for an answer "ARE YOU FUC.." Amy stopped him "I don't know the full extent of what's happened between you and Jesse, but he is the most amazing man I have ever met and I trust him completely with mine and our childs life. He deserves a lot more respect than what you give him, now you can either kick us out or not it's up to you but we are not being held to ransom by you." Amy said taking a long breath

"Well said babe" he looked at his mom and dad "fuck you and your proposition! come back when you want to be a real part of our lives" he got up and opened the door for them.

They left and jesse put his head in his hands and leant against the door

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