Chapter 15 - final warning

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Amy was back at work today and so was Jesse so needless to say they both got up a little late and with a sore head!

Jesse fell over badger coming down the stairs, he passed out half way up!

Amy smiled when he fell. She stepped over the pair of them and Jesse said "nice view babe" because she was wearing a skirt.

She shook her head and smiled as they headed in the kitchen.

She got her bag off the side and said "babe I'm going make sure you leave these 3 a key when you leave because it doesn't look like they will be alive when you leave for work!"

Jesse laughed and said "look at us were like parents going to work with the kids at home" he laughed

"Hmmm I don't think id leave my kids unconscious on the living room floor but I know what you mean babe!" He hugged her and squeezed her ass and said "see u tonight babe".

When Jesse got in the RV Mr White didn't look happy, "yo man what's up with your miserable ass",

"Family Jesse not that you would understand"

Jesse have him a WTF look

"Oh no coz I don't have a heart and care about people, it's my family who don't care about me.... Dick Not that you give a shit!"

"Look Jesse sorry for that but I just have a lot on right now and on top it were cooking meth with a very low amount if sudo we need more, I have a plan but it could be dangerous"

On the way to the desert Mr White explained that he planned to rob a chemical storage place and he needed Jesses help.

"So il give you a call one night this week when I'm ready to get it and for god sake Jesse don't tell anyone not even your little girlfriend what's her name .. hayley?"

"Amy ... Jackass and don't even talk about her your lucky I'm still sat next to you in this shit hole of a 'lab' after what you did....Anyway ye what ever call me"

They got on with the cooking.


She was driving home from her last patients house with her music blasting out the speakers when she saw combo walking, she pulled over and whispered "you working or going home"

He laughed, they all thought it was cute how timid Amy was and how she treat it like a secret mission, "nah I'm on my way home amz" he said, she smiles "hop on il drop you off but you got to listen to me singin allllll the way home" she laughed,

"Fair enough" he laughed back.

They were just chatting and laughing when ...


A car hit the passenger side and flipped the car, it rolled over and landed back the right way up.

Amy was awake through it all, she turned her head to look at combo and she couldn't believe her eyes, he didn't have his seat belt on.

All she could do was shout for him "COMBO WAKE UP, PLEASE DONT DIE PLEASE DONT DIE!"

She looked out the window and saw a man walking towards her "HELP ME MY FRIENDS UNCONSCIOUS!"

The man smiled at her window and said "nice to see you again"

What the fuck! She thought ... Oh shit! It's the man from the club lastnight!

"Tell your little bitch of a boyfriend Tuco said this was his final warning it's not over!" And with that he punched Amy ... She was out cold

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