Chapter 32 - Hello Baby

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Today was the day of the scan.

Amy rolled over in bed to see Jesse staring straight at her, "um morning" she said giving a little laugh, "morning beautiful, guess what!" Jesse said smiling from ear to ear, "we get to see our baby today!", it melted Amy's heart to see Jesse so happy and excited about their baby, she thought with it been unexpected he wouldn't have been so happy. Amy's smile grew bigger, she leaned in and gave Jesse a kiss and said "I know! I'm so excited, I best get up and shower before we go" she said jumping out if bed and heading to the bathroom.

Jesse rolled over to look at his phone he had a missed call from his mother, 'oh jeeze what the hell does she want' Jesse thought to himself, he laid there a while rubbing his head trying to decide wether to call her back or not. He thought about asking Amy but he knew she would say call her, she was all about giving second/third/fourth chances.

In the end he picked up the phone and called her back:

"Hello Mrs Pinkman speaking"

"Oh hey mom it's um Jesse, .. I had a missed call from you" he said instantly regretting dialing her number.

"Oh ye I um ... I was um just checking in on how you are ... Both of you" they both knew it sounded weird to hear her say that.

"Oh ok ye were fine thank you ...we have an appointment today .. A scan" Jesse was fighting the urge not to tell her but he remembered Amy saying she deserves the chance to be a grandmother. "Oh brilliant I .. um .. WE would love to see the picture when you get one" it was weird on both parts being this 'close' but the effort was being made wether it was weird or not and that's what counts .... Right?. "Oh ye sure ... Ye ..... So what made you change your mind" he just had to ask the curiosity got the best of him, "I just got thinking that's all Jesse, you seemed a lot different when you came by last time, and when we came to yours it wasn't just a one off, and I know how good Amy is for you I think you have finally straightened your life out" there was a silence .... "and I want to be a part of it" Jesse was surprised to hear his mother say that, "wow ok, well I got to go and get ready for the scan but we should totally come round for dinner one night and show you the scan or what ever" Jesse said shocked at what had just happened, "that sounds great Jesse, oh and have fun seeing your baby" after that Jesse hung up and looked up at the ceiling in shock.

Amy came out of the bathroom and said "who was that", Jesse sat up rubbing his neck and said "my mom wants to be a part of our lives, oh and we are going over for dinner one night to show the scan" Jesse said emotionless, "that's good though ... Right?" Amy asked sensing Jesse wasn't as pleased as she was, "um ye it's cool, listen I better get showered we don't want to be late" he pecked her on the cheek and went in the bathroom.

When they got to the doctors surgery they took a seat and waited nervously for the doctor to call them. Neither of them knew what to say so they sat in silence holding hands.

The doctor came out and asked them to follow her in to the room. "Hello, my name is Dr Brent you must be Amy and Jesse?" She smiled at them. "Yes ma'am" Amy smiled back, "great, so do you know exactly how far along you are Amy?" Dr Brent asked writing in her pad, "um no not exactly, our doctor told us I should be about 11 weeks now, going on the dates of my last period" Amy said looking at Jesse sensing he felt a bit awkward in this conversation, "ok well lay out on the bed and lift your shirt up and we will do some measurements and tell you exactly how far along you are" she wandered off to the other side of the room to get something. Amy did as she was told, she laid on the bed and rolled her top up, Jesse still had hold of her hand. The doctor came back with some gel and squirted it on Amy's stomach and the cold wet feeling of it made Amy jump abit, "sorry it can be a little cold" Amy smiled at her, "ok so I'm going to start now, don't worry if you can't make the image out on screen I will adjust to get you the best possible view, il just take measurements and everything first and you can ask questions after ok?" The doctor smiled again and placed the device on Amy's stomach. Jesses eyes filled up when he heard the beating of the baby's heart, it made it all real. Amy looked up at him and smiled "that's our babies heart!" She started crying so Jesse hugged her. They spent a few minutes admiring their baby on the screen, then Dr Brent said "ok so Iv measured and everything is fine you have nothing to worry about but you are actually a bit further along, you are 15 weeks, I will see you again in 6 week and you will find out if your having a boy or girl!" She said and Jesse and Amy's faces both lit up. "Iv printed you a few pictures out at different angles, and a few more for family incase you wanted some" Amy and Jesse both looked at each other as she handed Amy the pictures, "thank you so much Dr". They took the photos and headed out as proud parents.

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