Chapter 5 - Jesses night

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"Babe...babe...Jesse?" He hears Amy calling him.

"Um.. Amy.. What you doing here?"

"It's 8 I always get here for 8, no one was up so I let my self in"

"Ginny not up?"

"No not yet, which is strange, should we go check on her?"

Jesse though 'I wonder why Ginny isn't up, but Amy is looking fine today yo! I'm Definately gonna tap that today! ... Right after we check on Ginny'

" let me just get some pants on"

He walked over to get his pants and he can see Amy watching him... I can't believe I'm so lucky to get this girl man! She's not like all the skanks around here'

They get outside Ginny's room and Jesse realises something ... 'she could be sleeping in nothing or underwear or something yo! and I don't want to see that! Shes my aunt!'

"Um babe... You go in first incase you know she's like not dressed or what ever yo"

She chuckled at him and walked in the bedroom and shuts the door.

He can hear her waking Ginny up. She doensnt seem to be answering, she's still shouting her and Ginny isn't answering.

Next thing he hears is "JESSE!"

He runs in the bedroom to see Ginny laid in bed and Amy on her knees on the floor at the side of her, Amy's eyes were full of tears I felt awful for sending her in 1st.

"Jesse she's not waking up!"

"What!.. Can't you like check her pulse or something"

She did and he just stood there for a minute until Amy shouted

"Nothing! ... Jesse call an ambulance!"

He grabbed his phone and called an ambulance, this can't be happening not now things are going to prefect she was so happy the happiest she's been for ages.

He went back in the room to Amy she was so sad all he did was hold her but he had to sit on the floor at the side of her because she would leave Ginny's side

Just then the ambulance arrived, He kissed Amy on the forehead and ran down to let them in, the paramedics went in the room and asked them to wait outside so they did. When they opened the door the Ambulance man said "I'm sorry guys we tried to revive her but her body gave up, I'm sorry for your loss"

It hit Jesse like a ton of bricks, he thought to himself ... 'I knew she was sick yo but... Not now I mean she had so much to see'

Everything froze after that

"Jesse it ok I'm here your not alone" Amy said

He couldn't stay here one more minute

"Um thanks ... I gota get some fresh air"

And he just got in his car and he left.

Jesse ended up at his friend badger's house, Badger was there with their other friends skinny pete and combo, they have known eachother since school, Jesse didn't know where else to go.

"Yo badge man can I come in" He asked him

"Ye sure Jesse what up man?"

He just sat silent for a minute the guys lookin between them selves and Jesse.

"Ginny just died" he told them

"Yo man I'm sorry bro" skinny pete said.

"She was Totally cool man" badger said as he patted Jesse's back

"Have the ambulance been" combo asked him.

"Uh ye I had to leave Amy with them I couldn't take it no more man"

In sync they all said "who's Amy?"

Jesse gave a little smile because that's how she made him feel just hearing her name "she's my girlfriend yo"

"Damn bro I knew there was a reason we haven't seen you in like forever yo!" Skinny pete said,

Combo laughed "so you settling down or some shit" "Jesse pinkman the family man" badger joked.

They all started laughing "it's only been 5 week man but she's the type of girl to make you think about it yo!"

They were enjoying theirselves then combo said "you want some crystal Jesse", it had been a while since he even smoked weed never mind crystal meth, but he talked himself round because it had been a hard day after all.

Hours passed and he didn't realised till it was 9pm and he thought shit I left Amy at Ginny's ... I mean mine ... Damn. "I best be heading back guys stay in touch yo!"

And he left thinking to your himself ... the talk with the guys made me realise what she means to me and how hard Ginny dying had hit me but I know Amy is going to be there. I just hope she can't tell Iv been smoking she would flip yo!'

He pulled up outside his place and noticed Amy's car still outside. He opened the door and Amy shot up off the sofa.

"Jesse ... Babe are you ok? Iv been trying to call" she looked so sad and tired .... Because of me leaving her? He thought.

"I know ... Iv been out with some friends, you want some food?" trying to act Normal.

"Um no I'm ok thanks, do you want to talk?" She's not going to let this go is she... Women and there 'talking' bullshit.

"What's to talk about" play it cool Jesse your a man! Hold it in.

"Are you drunk Jesse?"

Shit! He thought

"Can't hide anything from you huh"

Ok that was abit harsh ... Fuck.

"Look Jesse getting drunk isn't going to change anything, you just left and I had to deal with it all on my own n now you come back like nothings happened"

She's got a point I suppose.

"What do you want me to do Amy? Huh, Cry on your shoulder, write a poem coz that's no me yo"

Damn she's persistent!

"I don't know Jesse but how you have come home isn't you something's different"

I can't hold this shit in anymore!

"Ye my aunts dead! that's what's different!"

"Baby listen to me don't shut me out ok I want to look after you I'm not leaving your side ok?"

She's just too kind she doesn't need someone like me poisoning her life.

"Why do you want to look after me?"

just do because I l.. I just do Jesse"

"You what?"

"Because I love you Jesse pinkman"

Oh shit! Did she just say she loves me! No ones ever said that before, damn, the girl who is obviously too good for me just said she loves me!

"You love me?"

"Ye stupid" you laughed at him

"Iv been wanting to tell you the same for so long but I was scared I would scare you ye ... I love you too"

Later that night he opened up to her and told about his past the weed, his parents.

Well not everything ..... He kinda missed out the part where he used to sell meth!!

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