Chapter 9 - Professer Grumpy ass

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Amy woke up at her usual time and got ready for work, she woke Jesse because his friends badger, pete and combo were coming round today.

"Babe I'm going to work you getting up?" She said as she shook Jesse "No your not" he said as he wrapped his self around her and began kissing her, they started fooling around until Amy said "shit babe I gota go I'm going to be late!", "Call in sick babe" he said smiling, "I wish I could babe I do but I got go see professor grumpy ass!". Jesse laughed "slip something in to his drink to Cheer his ass up!" They both laughed "I only got half the rounds to do today so il be home for lunch. Maybe I can meet your friends if there still here?" She said shyly, "Ye corse you can babe, there not much to meet like but I'm sure they will be glad to see you" Amy smiled and said "ok babe really gotta go ... Love you", "Love you too babe" She loved to hear him say that.

She headed out to her first patient, dreading it the whole journey, she pulled up outside 308 Negra Arroyo Lane ... 'I wonder what mood you will be in today Mr White' she thought to herself.

Amy nocked on the door and a not so happy Mr White answered,

"Where the hell have you been!!" He snapped at her.

"I'm sorry I am only 5 minutes later Mr White I got um... Got

Stuck in traffic" she had to think on her feet. "Come in and shut the door!" He snapped again.

"I didn't even want you coming but those stupid doctors said you had to, now I'm sneaking you in and your late which makes it closer to my family coming back!! Do you realise what would happen if my wife saw you here! You stupid girl you could be risking everything because of your incompetence and poor time keeping!, Iv got the right mind to phone your boss! .... Well what do you have to say?!" He was so angry Amy began getting scared.

"Um ... I'm ... S s sorry Mr White but maybe you should tell your family" Amy was shaking but she had to say it. Mr White grabbed Amy's bag and her arm and dragged her through the living room and threw the bag out the door and pushed Amy out with it and said "stay away from me and my family!! You have no right stickin your nose in where it's not needed now GET THE FUCK OUT!" And he slammed the door.

Amy ran back to her car and cried, she didn't know what had just happened or why. She couldn't go to her next job like this so she went back to Jesse. She fumbled about with her keys but couldn't find the hole through all the tears and she ended up dropping them so she gave up and banged on the door, Jesse soon came running downstairs. He opened the door and Amy threw her self in his arms. He was frantic and shouting

"Babe tell me what's wrong! ...Amy listen to me I need to know what happened please tell me!"

After 5 minutes of sobbing she managed to say something.

"Professor grumpy ass just shouted at me ... He called me a stupid girl and threw me and my bag out. literally he pulled me through the house by my arm!"

Jesse was fuming that someone put their hands on Amy, "Right go get in my car your taking me over there now!", Amy knew he would go crazy with him "Babe no you.." Jesse cut her off "Amy .. car, I'm not letting this funking prick shout at my girlfriend and as for touching you I'm going to break his legs"
"Jesse it's fine it doesn't hurt" she said trying to calm him.

"Amy I mean it get in or il check your bag there will be an address somewhere in there" She got up and went to the car.

"Thank you Amy I just need to protect you, you understand right?"

"Ye I get you babe I just don't want any trouble"

"He started the trouble!"

Amy directed Jesse to the house,

"Just this one on the right with the green Pontiac Aztek.

Jesse stopped the car and put his head in his hands,

"You gotta be fucking shitting me!"

He got out the car and started walking up the drive.

When he got to the door he banged on it, Amy stood next to a tree near the door she didn't want to see Jesse hit Mr White.

He opened the door....

"YO BITCH!" Jesse had pure anger on his face

"Jesse what are you doing here!"

Mr White snapped at him

"How about you answer me first .... Who the fuck do you think you are laying your hands on my girlfriend!! Huh!! Think your tough now!!" Jesse got in his face.

"Iv never met your girlfriend before Jesse what are you talking about"

Jesse looked at Amy hiding and nodded as though to say step forward so she did.

Mr Whites face dropped.

"Amy ..... Your Jesses girlfriend!"

"Um Ye I am ... How do you know eachother?" She said with an attitude

They both looked at eachother not knowing what to say to her .....

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