Chapter 35 - Good Luck

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Jesse ran over to the phone on the wall and dialed Amy's number, she picked up
"hello" before she could say anything else Jesse said "babe listen to me I don't have long! I need you to call the cops and get then over here to the lab it doesn't matter what you tell them just get them here, if something goes wrong add the name Don Eladio to the file, I gotta go but I love you both with all my heart and I always will" and with that Jesse hung up the phone. He swallowed hard, it was the worse phone call he ever had to make, not knowing if he would see Amy ever again or get to see their baby.

He ran back over to Walt and Gus and cut the ropes around their wrists "come on we're getting out, stay low" he said and they both followed Jesse, though Walt saw reluctant to start any more trouble, He had given up any hope of a normal life since Skylar left him, he saw him self working for Gus as long as he would have him and going home to his one bedroom apartment alone, waking up alone and going back to work for Gus, that would be his life after Skylar.

Now these men have come in and captured them he figured his only way out of this was to cook for them instead and still go to his one bedroom apartment alone on a night.

"Mr White keep up!" Jesse shouted quietly to him and they approached the stairs. Walt stopped them before they touched them "I know which steps creak I'm sort of OCD with things like that".
He lead the way up the stairs missing spots and some steps, when they got to the top the opened the door quietly and they made a run for the car park.
Just before they got outside they saw two men with guns stood outside, "we can take them between us" Jesse said getting ready for a fight by stretching his neck, "no! They will alert victor as soon as soon as they see us, we will go through the office, follow me" Gus said, stopping Jesse before he blew the whole thing.
They snook through the office watching the men all the time to make sure they weren't seen, they made it out in to the car park and headed for their own cars, just as they got in they saw victor coming running through the warehouse, Jesse, Walt and Gus looked at eachother and all nodded as though to say 'good luck' and they all sped off out of the car park in different directions.
Victor, Gaff and Miguel got in to a car together, everyone knew they would be going for Gus first, he was the main reason for this. Jesse and Walt were just a good addition.

They reversed to exit the car park when six police cars and four DEA agent vans pulled up behind them. There must of been 40+ police/DEA agents surrounding them.
"No way they ain't stopping this!" Gaff shouted as the reversed again ramming the police and DEA, which caused them to open fire, victor opened the door and laid on the floor at the side of the car with his hands behind his head surrendering, Gaff had been shot in the side, he looked down at victor on the floor and laughed at him "you little pussy!" He reached in to his pocked and pulled out his gun and aimed it at victor "I knew not to trust you!" And before he had chance to shoot him a DEA agent came up behind Victor and shot Gaff in the chest.
He looked over at Miguel, he was already dead, "I think we need a talk young man" a DEA agent said to victor before cuffing him victor buried his face in the sand at the thought of what was going to happen now.
He was going to have to squeal like a pig or lie and get more time... Choices choices.

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