Chaper 4 - the words

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It had been 5 week since Amy and Jesse first met and things were going great you saw him and Ginny everyday.

One day Amy was doing her usual morning routine shower breakfast and off to Ginnys, she got there and opened her car door and noticed the house was in darkness and curtains were shut, anyway she started walking towards the door and it was locked, luckily Jesse gave her a key a few weeks back so she let her self in.

She thought it was strange that Ginny wasn't up or Jesse for that.

She placed your bags down and went upstairs to find Jesse.

He was sleeping so she crept up to him and shook him gently

"Babe... Babe.... Jesse"

He began waking up

"Um... Amy? ... What you doing here"

"Its 8 I always get here for 8, no one is up so I let my slef in"

"Ginny not up?" Jesse said concerned.

"No not yet, which is strange, should we check on her?"

"Um ... ye let me just get some pants on"

So Jesse threw some pants on and she made her way to Ginny's room.

"Babe go in first just incase you know she's not dressed or whatever yo" he looked grossed out!.

She laughed and entered Ginnys room

"Hey Ginny it's time to get up honey...Ginny it's Amy time to get up...Ginny can you hear me" Amy was scared now.

She began shaking her but nothing


Jesse ran in the room

"Jesse she's not waking up"

"What!.. can't you like check her pulse or something"

So she did .... Nothing

"Nothing! ... Jesse call an ambulance!"

Jesse grabbed his phone and called an ambulance, they were there in minutes

Amy and Jesse were stood outside Ginns room while the paramedics were seeing to her, Jesse was holding Amy tight and they were both crying.

One of the paramedics came out

"I'm sorry guys we tried to revive her but her body had given up ... I'm sorry for your loss"

Amy felt Jesse loosen his grip on her so she turned to him and and grabbed his face

"Jesse it's ok I'm here your not alone" she gripped him tighter.

"Um ye thanks .... I um need some fresh air" and with that he ran out the house got in his car and he was gone.

She watched as the paramedics covered Ginny up and wheeled her out, she knew she saw this all the time because it was part of her job but this hit her harder than she expected it to.

Once the paramedics went Amy sat on the sofa at Jesses not wanting to leave incase he came home.

It got to 5pm and he still wasn't back she was really worried by this point, she had left him loads of messages and voice mails but he didn't reply.

She must have fallen asleep on the sofa because she woke up to someone putting keys in the door, it was Jesse, she shot up off the sofa and ran over to him.

"Jesse ... Babe are you ok, Iv been trying to call" she was crying and checking him for cuts etc incase had been hurt.

"I know ... Iv been out with some friends, you want some food"

She thought what the hell is up with him,

"Um no I'm good thanks, do you want to talk?"

"What's there to talk about"

He was acting very strange, "Are you drunk Jesse?"

"Can't hide anything from you huh"

"Look Jesse getting drunk isn't going to change anything, you just left and I had to deal with it all on my own n now you come back like nothings happened"

"What do you want me to do Amy? Huh, Cry on your shoulder, write a poem coz that's no me yo"

"I don't know Jesse but how you have come home isn't you something's different"

"Ye my aunts dead! that's what's different!"

She could see the tears in his eyes she knew he was fightin his hardest to stop them. She walked over to him and throw her arms around him.

"Baby listen to me don't shut me out ok I want to look after you I'm not leaving your side ok?"

"Why do you want to look after me?"

"I just do because I l..I just do Jesse" Amy said not leaving their embrace

"You what?"

He pulled back and looked at her

"Because I love you Jesse pinkman"

She said shyly as she looked at the ground.

He instantly went back to the Jesse she knew.

"You love me?" He said surprised.

"Ye stupid" she laughed at him

"Iv been wanting to tell you the same for so long but I was worried I would scare you off" he said looking at the floor "so ye ... I love you too" he said quietly looking up at her and smiling.

That night they both sat on the sofa looking through Ginny's things and Jesse told her about the trouble he has had with his parents.

"So they like kicked me out coz I had a bit of a problem with marijuana and Ginny was the only one who gave a shit about me, she took care of me and I took care of her" he said smiling at the thought of her.

"So you don't speak to your parents now?" Amy asked cuddling up to him, "no and I'm better off for it I was always second best to Jake my little brother he was a grade A student and I ... wasn't"

"Well there loss babe because you are a smart, kind, generous and sexy man. You don't need them. She said and kissed him he smiled back at her.

They laid there and watched a movie for a while before going to bed.

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