Chapter 14 - just a Chat

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The next morning Amy told work she wasn't going to be in, this was getting a regular occurrence which is not like Amy at all.

She went up to check on Jesse and he was just waking up and struggling to get out of bed so she ran in to help him.

"Babe! Take it easy" she said helping him up.

"Amy chill out babe Iv been beaten up I'm not dying" he joked ... Amy didn't find it amusing.

"But you could have the only reason you aren't dead is because that dick chose not to carry on, maybe you should stop babe it could happen again" she said looking him in the eye.

"It won't babe were not dealing with him again" although Jesse knew this wasn't the end, it's never the end with people like Tuco unless someone is dead.

Pete has told him in hospital what Tuco said about it not been the end. He will want crystal giving all the time and expect me to because he beat me ... He will have to kill me first Jesse thought. But he wasn't willing to tell Amy and worry her.

He stayed at home for a week as ordered by nurse Amy!.


Today Jesse was going to the desert with Mr White to cook a new batch of Meth seen as Tuco took there last lot.

"Don't you think it's weird we haven't heart from Tuco since he put me in hospital" Jesse asked Mr White.

"Actually, I have a confession to make" Mr White said as he looked at the ground.

"What the hell have you done!" Jesse knew it couldn't be good news, he genuinely thought he was going to say he had killed Tuco.

"I went over there and told him what was what." When he said that Jesse threw his hands on his head.

"You did what? ... I'm suprised he hasn't wiped you and your family out ... There's no talking to Tuco it's business his way or a shallow grave" he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"It was just a chat, but it must have worked he's listened to me hasn't he"

Jesse didn't know what to believe but he knew he wasn't going to be asking questions, to celebrate all this with Tuco been in the past he decided he was going out on the town with Amy tonight, he text badger and asked the guys if they wanted to go too they said yes and agreed to meet at Jesses at 8.

When Jesse got back it was 7 so he decided to get a shower.

When he got out he went in their bedroom gave Amy a kiss on the head, chose some clothes to wear and left her to get ready.

It was 8 o'clock and there was a knock at the door, it was badger and the guys.

"Yo babe everyone's here you ready?" Jesse shouted up to her.

"Two minutes babe" shes shouted back.

A couple if minutes later they all heard Amy's heels on the hardwood floor upstairs and as she walked downstairs all 4 of their jaws dropped.

Jesse ran over to her and stood infront of her with a huge smile on his face.

"What's up with you"!Amy asked

"You .... You look absolutely amazing" he spun her round to see everything she had a little black dress on that hugged her body and a pair of red heels and a matching bag, she had curled her hair and red lipstick on.

"Damn! Jesse you gonna be in a few fights tonight man!" Combo said and the guys laughed.

"Fights why?" Amy asked timidly,

"Anyone lays eyes on you and il be there to kick someone's ass yo" Jesse said.

They got a cab to the club where they all drank, danced and had fun all night.

Jesse was dancing with Amy and enjoying every minute. until he turned around and she was gone his heart started pounding, he spun around and looked all over for her and she had somehow been pushed a few people away from Jesse and then he saw it some guy dancing behind her. He charged over to them "YO WHAT THE HELL YOU DOING!" He screamed at the guy, making Amy turn around "oh Jesse I didn't realise. I had my back to you and I thought it was you and ..." Jesse kissed her "it's ok baby I know"

"Keep off my girl you hear man!" He said getting in the guys face

"Ye what ever you say man"he said smirking.

Jesse and Amy walked away, but something made Amy turned around and the guy was watching them and he got his phone out. He soon went out of sight when Jesse pulled her through the crowd.

On the way home the guys were totally wrecked and Amy was just tipsy she was careful with her drink. They were all stopped at jesses house that night so the cab pulled up outside and Amy was getting out the car when she noticed something in the bushes over the road

"Hey do you guys see someone over there" she asked

They all looked and said no and laughed but Amy thought to be honest il be suprised if they could see their own hands infront of their faces they are that drunk, but because she was tipsy she put it down to that and shrugged it off ant went inside and made sure everyone got to bed .... Once a carer always a carer.

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