Chapter 33 - In Case Of An Emergency

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A/N : Sorry I have taken so long Iv been really busy, I was a bit stuck on this chapter as far as how to get to my point, but I hope I did a good enough job.

A couple of days had passed since Jesse and Amy went for the scan, Jesse had begun cooking in the new lab with Walt. He was mentally jotting names and stuff down ready for the perfect moment to set his plan in motion.

"Your quiet today Jesse" Mr White shouted across the room, "oh yeah I um just got things on my mind" Jesse replied.

Victor entered the lab carrying two big bags and threw one at both Walt and Jesses feet, Jesse looked at him confused, "your money for this cook" victor said pointing to the bag at Jesses feet. "All of this?!" Jesse was surprised to see such a large amount sat there all for him. "Yeah that's your cut for the week" victor added, Jesse looked at Mr White in shock and he shook his head as though to say 'just leave it, be quiet' so he just settled with a "thanks man".

That night when he got home he showed Amy all the money he had gotten for that weeks cook.

"This is what I can make in a week, but there is only so long they are going to want me around, what happens when they get fed up with this amount or there being two of us or..." Jesse said before Amy cut him off "babe, you don't need to sit here and talk your self out of it to me, I know you need to leave and I am willing to help you how ever I can" she threw her arms around him and she could feel him relax instantly. "Babe I need you to keep notes, now don't worry but if anything happens before I go to the DEA you need to take them the notes" he didn't want to scare her but he wanted her to know what she had to do in an emergency. "Of course baby what ever it takes to save you from these people"


Over the coming months Amy's bump got bigger, she was now 8 month pregnant with a baby boy, Jesses money stash got bigger and also his note book got fuller.

Jesse got up and dressed as usual ready to go to the lab, he called Mr White on the way but no answer, he assumed he was with his wife or what ever and couldn't talk, when he got to the lab there were a few more cars outside than usual but he didn't think too much of it as Gus always had different people coming for meetings etc, so he headed down to the basement where the lab was and opened the door, it was in darkness, he flicked the light switch on and there was a man in a hooded top in front of him and then it went dark.




Jesse woke up feeling rough, he tried to rub his eyes but he couldn't lift his arms, he turned around to see what was stopping him, he noticed he was strapped to a chair with his hands tied behind his back, and all he could think about was Amy and the baby, "what the fuck!! Somebody let me out!!" Jesse screamed at anyone who was there. "No one is around Jesse save your energy" Jesse looked to the left of him "Yo Mr White! They have you too!" Jesse couldn't believe what was happening, "yes, I have been down here 12 hours now, you have been here 4" Walt said staring at the clock on the wall. "What is it they want? They can't want us dead or else we would be by now" Jesse said realistically.

Just then the door flew opened and Gus came walking in, followed by victor with a gun to Gus's head!.

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