Chapter 2 - that feeling

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That night when Amy got home she put her music on loud and jumped in the shower again. When she got out she started dancing around the room until she tired herself out, she threw herself on the bed and the thoughts of what happened this morning flooded her mind. "What do I do next? Do I tell him how I feel or do I what for him to say something? What if he doesn't? What if I say something and he doesn't feel the same it would be awkward looking after Ginny with him there then", it had been so long she was completely out of the swig of things.

She must have laid there 30 minutes thinking, when she got a call from a number she didn't recognise,

"Um hello" she said

"Hey you ok?"


"The one and only!" He laughed "what you up to"

"Um nothing just got out of the shower"

"Nice you want me to come over?" He laughed again and she could tell he was biting his lip, the picture in her mind sent her crazy

"Yo Amy, you there?"

"Um ye sorry I um.... got distracted.... How's Ginny?"

"Distracted huh.... Ye she's fine she's in bed, she was cooking this afternoon and I think it Totally wiped her out!"

Amy smiled thinking that woman will not do as she's told and take it slow.

"Well she's defiant alright" they both laughed, then there was silence





"So Amy you want me to come round bring food"

"What for Jesse?"

"So we can get to know each other, you seem nice ... Come on I'll even bring Ben & Jerry's .... Two spoons I promise" he laughed.

Amy laughed

"Ok I'll get dressed, see you in five"

"Don't make a fuss on my account" he laughed

"Bye Jesse"

she dashed around the room finding 'the perfect outfit' then she thought "perfect for what? What am I actually planning for? To make a friend? To tell him how I feel? Hope he will make a move?"

She settled for her pale blue shorts and a white vest, it complemented her slim figure but it wasn't dressed up, she didn't want to show she was trying to impress him!.

5 minutes later there was a knock at the door ... "Shit he's here!" She straightened up her hair and adjusted her bra for the best cleavage, she smiled and ran to the door.

"Hey Jesse" she smiled at him.

"Hey your self" looking her up and down.

"You want to come in?" She walked in and Jesse followed her, he shut the door and put the food on the table and sat on the sofa beside her.

"So what's new" he said

"Um not much, I only got in from work like an hour ago" Amy said feeling very nervous, it reminded her of being a teenager when she was around Jesse.
"Your good at what you do, you should be proud" he said to her, flashing that winning smile.
"Thanks Jesse"... There was an awkward silence, "what did you do before caring for Ginny?"
"Um nothing much, I was between jobs you know, and like didn't get on with parents my moms a total bitch!" He hated bringing her up, she made him angry.
"You can't pick family" they both laughed
They started to tucked in to the food jesse brought over.
"You want a beer or something?" Amy asked.

"Um ye sure" Jesse smiled at her.

He followed her in to the kitchen, she got two beers from the fridge and handed one to jesse, she sat on the island in the middle of the kitchen drinking her beer and jesse stood at the opposite side so he could see her

"I gotta ask you something Amy"

"Ok.. Go for it" as she taking a sip of her beer.

"Ok don't think I'm a total creep ok? .... When I met you today did you feel something different"

"Different how?" She knew exactly what he meant by different.

"Like I dunno yo! Like you had known me forever. Butterflies and shit"

"And shit" she laughed "you got such a way with words Jesse! I'm not going to lie to you I did yeah I mean I thought it was just me though coz it's like ... Been a while"

"Been a while! Been a while for what exactly?" He walked closer to her.

"Everything, butterflies, dates, making out ... Everything" she noticed he was getting closer

"I'm very Surprised" he said

He was standing right in front of her at this point

"I'm Suprised anyone could keep there hands off you" he places he's hands on her thighs "I know I'm finding it hard"

She was getting goosebumps

"I can tell" she said with a smile

He's hands began opening her legs and he stepped closer so he was stood between them, she wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him closer.

"You sure you want this" he said his lips grazing hers

"More than anything" she said

His lips met hers and he grabbed her ass and they made out in the kitchen for a while until he lifted her up and carried her over to the sofa, he places her down gently and joins her on the sofa.

They end up going all the way and then laid together watching a film until amy realised Jesse had fallen asleep under her.
Amy woke up in the early hours and couldn't stop thinking about what had happened the night before, she didn't regret it at all, but this was so different for her she never kissed on the first date let alone slept with someone, but she had a good feeling about Jesse, he made her feel different, it was about time she let someone in to her life, she had focused on her work for so long she didn't have time for anyone but she didn't feel the need to push Jesse away like the rest, which made her smile.
She didn't want to disturb Jesse so she just set the alarm on her phone and laid back on his chest and fell back to sleep.

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