Chapter 13 - no deal

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It was time for Jesse to go meet pete, he waited for Amy to finish in that bathroom.

"I'm here babe, you going?" She asked looking sad, he hated seeing her sad but thought it was cute knowing she would miss him after a few hours.

"Ye I shouldn't be too long though il give you a call when I leave Petes." He gave her a kiss and walked towards the door "love you Amy!" He said "love you too Jesse be safe!" She added.

Jesse drove to Petes a beeped the horn when he got there and pete came running out with the meth in his pocket.

"Sup man you ready?" Pete said

"Ye man you sure about your guy" "yeah he's totaly cool man, trust me" pete said confidently.

10 minutes later they pulled up outside the guys place.

Jesse has a bad feeling but he put it down to nerves.

When they got inside there were men with guns.

This dude must have some enemies Jesse thought.

They got lead into a room where he was waiting

"Yo tuco man how's it going!" Pete went bouncing in.

The guy just ignored him and looked at Jesse.

"You got the product?" He said straight to the point.

"Yeah" He followed the mood and threw the meth on the table.

He had a go and that was it, it did something to him he went from tough and quiet to loud and violent. He was jumping all over and stabbing the table with the knife he just took the meth off.

"Booooy! This is some good shit!" He said.

Jesse smiled politely and said "good".

"Il take it" he said.

"We haven't even talked money yet" Jesse curious.

"That's coz I ain't paying you" he snapped at Jesse and laughed.

"What! No money no meth simple Yo!" No way am I getting fucked over by this dude Jesse thought.

"What! Are you seriously talking back to me!" He walked up to Jesse and put the knife to his throat and said "il let you off as a first warning because you don't know me but I'm warning you, it happens again and il ruin your life!" He said with an evil grin.

"Beat me do what ever your not taking all my meth for free" Jesse said and that was it Tuco flipped into overdrive he jumped on Jesse throwing him out if the chair he was sat in and threw them both on the floor and he started laying in to Jesse, punches, kicks and jumping on him.

"Yo man come on leave it tuco!" pete shouted but he didn't stop, pete knew to save Jesse but he also knew not to mess with Tuco.

After a few minutes he stopped and told pete "get your boy and get the fuck out of here and when he come to tell him it's not over" he started laughing and walked off.

Pete picked Jesse up and took him to the car and tried waking him up but it was no good he was out cold, he decided to take him to the hospital.

While Jesse was getting help pete tried to get Amy's number out of his phone but it had been smashed to pieces and couldn't get it, he went to reception to see who was on his next of kin form but it was his mom and dad and pete knew Jesse wouldn't want them here and didn't know Amy's last name to look in the phone book but he knew Mr Whites so he looked for him and dialed.




"Hello" Mr White said

"Mr White don't hang up it's skinny pete Jesses friend I need your help!" Pete said quickly before he hung up.

"Your lucky my family are out, what up?"

"Jesse got beat badly by the guy we went to sell the meth to, and I need to get in touch with Amy and you call her or go round or something were at the hospital"

"Uh yeah sure" ... He hung up

Amy called pete before Mr White got chance to find her.
Next thing pete knew Amy came running through the door she put her hands over her face and just cried before running to Jesses side.

She sat talking with him for ages. Telling him she loved him.

When he woke up she was so suprised and happy

"Jesse your awake, I was so scared!" She said

"I'm a tough cookie babe don't worry about me, so when can I go home?"

Amy went to get a nurse, Jesse shook his head 'I said I wasn't going to put her through no more shit like this'

Amy came back with a nurse.

"Mr Pinkman" the nurse said "you can go home now your awake, is there someone to take care of you?"

"Um il be there" Amy said quickly which made Jesse smile.

When they got home Amy insisted he went to bed, he agreed as long as she joined him!

She agreed too but only after he ate, so she made him some soup and took it up she gave him it before climbing into bed herself.

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