Chapter 20 - meet the inlaws

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Jesse and Amy stood waiting anxiously then Mrs Pinkman answered the door,


"Hey mom"

"What are you doing back?"

"Missed you too mom"

"No I didn't mean... Oh come in"

Jesse walked in and never let go of Amy's hand.

Mrs Pinkman lead them into the lounge and they say down.

"Take a seat, il get drinks" Mrs Pinkman said.

"She will be on the phone to dad now asking him to come home and he will ask us to leave so she doesn't have to" Jesse said lookin at the floor.

"What ever happens babe it doesn't change what anything itl be exactly the same as it is now, me you and our baby" they both smiled and Jesse gave her a kiss right as Mrs Pinkman walked in with a pitcher of water.

She coughed, "so you must be Jesses girlfriend" she said as she poured Amy a glass.

"Um yes I am, it's lovely to meet you Mrs Pinkman, my names Amy"

She smiled, it was fake.

"And how long have you two been ... Together"

Jesse looked at Amy. As though il take this one.

"5 month mom we've been together 5 month, Amy cared for Aunt Ginny before she died" he said with a touch of attitude.

"Oh right, wasnt that against the company rules or something" Mr Pinkman said as she sipped her water

Amy could see where Jesse got his hatred from "no Mrs Pinkman that only applies to patients"

"Oh ok ...... Your dad will be home any minute" she said to Jesse

They all sat in silence until Mr Pinkman arrived.

Jesse introduced Amy again.

"So is there a reason you came Jesse or did you just call by" his father said

"What! could you make us feel any less welcome! Really"

"Well Jesse you never come round unless you want something" his mom said

"Not this time mom I don't want anything I just need to tell you something"

"Oh god what trouble are you in!"

"I'm not in trouble ... We just found out that .... Amy's pregnant... Your going to be grandparents"

She didn't say anything for what felt like forever until Amy said.

"Mrs Pinkman are you ok?"

"Um yeah ... I'm just suprised" she said quietly

"Yeah mom so were we. Amy was actually in a car accident and the doctors found out that way, but there both ok" Jesse said smiling

"Good, good, I'm glad your both happy I truly am but we didn't expect to hear from you again I don't know what you want from us" Jesses father said

"Expect or hoped dad!? ... We don't want a thing from you! ...What ever yo, now you know it's up to you to be a part of ours and our baby's life and if not I personally couldn't care less, it was Amy who wanted to come she thought you deserved to know, but I know you better than that"

He stood up and said "you ready to go babe?"

"Um ye sure" she got up and followed Jesse to the door.

"You know where we live so if you come by, see you soon if not then what ever"

With that Jesse and Amy where gone.

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