Chapter 17 - light at the end

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Jesse sat in the chair for 9 hours until Amy woke up he didn't take his eyes off her for one minute.

Shouldn't it be the other way round? He thought to himself should the girl tell the guy she's pregnant.

He was sat thinking how to tell his sweet, innocent, amazing girlfriend she is pregnant with a meth dealers baby. She's always been too good for him he's done nothing but drag her down with him and put her in danger. Not any more he thought her and their baby will be safe if it kills him.

Then it dawned on him what if she doesn't want to keep it, then again what if she does? he doesn't know what to do either way.

Jesses phone started ringing.

"Are you kidding me Mr White!"

He answered it anyway

"Yo Mr White I hope this isn't to say your ready to go coz I can't like I can't right now"

"No I'm not ready that's why I'm calling, what up?"

"That son of a bitch Tuco got one of his bitches to run Amy off the road, they flipped the car she's ok but she had combo in with her and.... Uh he died"

"What! Why! He's kept away I thought that was it!" He said

"Ye well no that's not it just like I said it wouldn't be and now my girlfriend is laid here with cuts bruises broken bones and shit, you gotta sort this shit out yo, id bet your family is next man he's not messing around" Jesse told him

"Uh ye I'm going to go we will discuss the problem when everything is sorted with your girlfriend" Mr White said

"Amy! her names Amy it wouldn't hurt you to remember it!... Ugh What ever man" Jesse hung up

Amy started waking up

"Amy oh god babe your ok!" Jesse said

"Hm Jesse?" Amy said groggily

"Ye babe I'm here"

"Was it a dream"

"Was what a dream babe?" He knew what she meant

"..... Did combo ... Die?" She said looking at him

"Ye he did babe" he put his hand on her face and she just cried, he got up and held her.

After Amy had come round properly Jesse buzzed the doctor.

He came straight away

"Ah Amy your awake, you feeling better?" He cringed expecting the same reaction as last time.

"I'm not too bad my ribs hurt ...a lot and I feel sick oh and these wounds are gross. But I'm still here" she gets upset again, Jesse sat next to her and held her.

"Lets try get you on track and things will start looking up" he said and she gave Jesse a have you told her look and he shook his head.

Jesse knew he had to tell her, so once the doctors gave her some tablets and finished her check he sat by her side again.

"listen babe I think I need to tell you something" he looked her in the eye

"Oh god Babe I'm worried now"

"I want to just come out with it but my mouth won't let it come out"

"Is Everyhing ok? I mean except the obvious" she said trying to make light of the situation

"Um ye .. Ye it's not a bad thing ... I don't think" he took a deep breath "here goes .... Amy ... Your um.... Your ...pregnant"

Amy just looked at Jesse for sometime neither of them moved or said anything for abit



"How do you know" she said

"The uh doctors found out somehow and told me you were 'both' ok and I didn't know what she meant"

"How um how far along" still no expression on her face

"7 weeks" Jesse said grabbing her hand

"I don't know what your thinking babe, but what ever you want to do that's fine" he reassured her

"I can't get an abortion I just can't it's not the baby's fault it's just not the best timing"

"I know what you mean babe but we always say don't we we will manage with what we have, right and as long as were together we will be fine" Jesse said smiling at her, she smiled back and kissed him

"Were having a baby!" She said and kissed him again

They both laughed and held eachother. Letting the news sink in.

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