Chapter 6 - A blast from the past

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Amy took the next few days off work to be with Jesse.

Although he told her he was fine and should go back ... Typical Jesse on his own against the world.

She went in to the kitchen to make surprise breakfast for Jesse while he was in the shower, she was getting all the ingredients out of the fridge and all she had on was your underwear and Jesses jacket.

She heard a noise and turned around ... It was Jesse stood in the door way smiling biting his lip.

"Morning handsome" she said

"Morning angel" he said as he walked over to her, he pushed her back against the sink and he kissed and hugged her then all of a sudden he said "um I won't be a minute baby I just gotta .... Run outside il be back for breakfast I promise" he kissed her again and left.

She were stood alone again wondering what the hell!


He climb out of the shower and heard Amy bangin about downstairs, he decide to creep down because he always caught her doing somethin cute or funny when she thinks she's alone.

He went in to the kitchen where she was and she is stood at the counter making breakfast he can see she has no bottoms on so he made a noise so she turnd around, Oh my god! He thinks to himself as his girlfriend is stood infront of him in a hot pink bra and pantie set with hes jacket over the top.

"Morning handsome" she says to him

He starts walking over to her "morning angel".

He wrapa his arms around her and looks out of the window when he see someone lurking around the garden .... is that ... No way! MR WHITE!

"Um I won't be a minute baby I just gota nip outside il be back for breakfast though I promise you" he kisses her and leave quickly.

He runs outside and Mr White is just walking past the garden.

"Yo! Mr White"

"Ah Jesse just he man I want to see" he says surprised "I thought you had moved out"

"What the hell you doing at my house I haven't spoke to you since... high school yo!"

"Ok this is going to sound weird but I know what you used to do I added 2 and 2 together and I want in" he said stern

"What the hell are you talking about?" What the fuck is this stupid old shit talking about! He thought to himself.

"Cooking and selling meth Jesse!"


"Yo I don't know what your talking about man"

"Yes you do Jesse I know you are or were cap'n cook"

"Aw shit man keep it down, I don't do that shit no more man .... Iv been takin care of my aunt but she died yesterday"

Play the sympathy card he might fuck off!

"I'm sorry to hear that Jesse ... But even more reason to start how you going to pay bills for this house your living oh and your car"

Shit I never thought of that!

"Look man I'm not interested now if you could quietly fuck off id appreciate it"

"Il tell the DEA who you are and where you live if you don't cook with me, you know the streets I know the chemistry it's a smart choice Jesse let it be the 1st one you make"

Shit! He's not leaving me much choice! What about Amy though she would probably leave me!

"Shit man il text you or some shit I need to think"

"Ok here's my number" he passes him a card

"Now fuck off before someone sees us"

He head back in the house.


Jesse comes walking back in the house as smy is setting the breakfast on the table.

"Hey baby you sort what it is you was sorting?"

"Um ye babe ... Mmmm this breakfast looks delicious ... Your not just a pretty face" he says as he kisses her cheek.

They both eat breakfast :-

"So babe I was thinking I should sort out all Ginny's bills for you because you will have to change them to your name to pay them?"

"Um ye sure thanks babe"

"Why don't you go out see your friends or something while i sort it?"

"I'm good babe I might just stay here on the xbox then I can see you parade around in your underwear all day" Jesse shoots her a cheeky smile.

"Your a pervert you know that" she laughs at him.

After breakfast Amy decides go get a start on Ginny's bills while Jesse plays on his game.

After a hour or so she go's in to the bedroom where Jesse is,

"Um babe I don't suppose you have any money saved do you?" She asks him

"Um no why? What's up?" He looks at her confused

"Um ... Ginny wasn't up to date with any of her bills and there is a lot to pay out, they won't write it off coz you were down as living here too so it's down to you now."

"Oh shit! You gota be kidding me" Jesse says, seeming pissed off.

"I mean I kinda got an idea but I don't want you to freak out ok" she say shyly

"Erm ok ... If it's rob a bank I'm out babe sorry" he laughs at her.

"Shut up, no I could always move in here and sell my house?!"

"WHAT NO WAY! I mean ye I would love for you to stay here but your not selling your home for me baby you worked so hard to buy it yourself, I would never let you do that .... Listen babe il sort it I promise" she could see he was thinking about something, he had a plan.

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