Chapter 29 - the guy before the guy

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Jesse got home and began calling his contacts .... Everyone was talking about a guy who delivers for some big time dealer, they said he went by the name of victor, he arranged a meet with him at 'the dog house' that night.

"Babe I got to go meet a guy tonight, I want you to come with me but you can sit at another table or in the car if you want I just need to know your safe and you will be with me"

"Ok baby what ever you think" she gave a slight smile and went to get a shower.

Jesse could see a big change in her since all this started.

He wanted so much better for her. She deserved it, she was such a nice innocent person he just wanted to protect her and make her proud. He was adamant she was going to be someone he was not going to drag her down because that's all he ever seemed to do with anyone who got close.

When she had showered he decided to take her out for the day, he chose to take her for icecream in the park, He knew he had to remind her what fun they have together.

They were walking around the park when Jesse stopped and said

"Il race you to that bench" with a big grin on his face.

"Your going to race a nauseous pregnant woman! Very manly Jesse"

And as Jesse rubbed his neck thinking of a comeback Amy shouted "GO" and she set off running to the bench, Jesse set off after her and grabbed her round the hips and pulled her back and took over her, "you cheat!" Amy shouted back at him, all he could do was laugh.

She caught up to him and jumped on his back. He continued running with Amy on his back, he could hear her laughing, he missed that, he was taken back to before all this trouble happened.

They got to the bench and Jesse spun Amy so she was facing him and he sat on the bench with her on his lap ... "You have such a cute laugh" he kissed the end of her nose.

"Your good at making me laugh" she kissed his nose back

Jesse put his hand on Amy's stomach and said

"this is unreal"

"Oh it will be real soon baby, screaming in the early hours, dirty diapers, getting covered in sick" Amy laughed at jesses worried face

"I'm joking baby it will be amazing" she said running her hands through his hair.

"Iv been thinking of names" Jesse said proudly.

"Oh really, what you come up with"

"Noah for a boy and Isabelle for a girl ... What do you think?" He asked Amy.

She was smiling ear to ear "I love them baby! ... This suits you"

"What does?" Jesse asked confused.

"Being a daddy .... Your not the bad guy Jesse"

That meant more to Jesse than Amy knew, she was the only person in his life that hasn't doubted his ability to do anything, she genuinely believed in him.

They spent the rest of the afternoon walking around the park and laughing like a normal couple, not thinking about the meeting Jesse was about to go to.


Jesse and Amy pulled up outside the dog house and Jesse got out first and took a seat at a table, Amy decided to stay in the car but Jesse parked it where he could see her from.

Jesse didn't know who he was looking for, but the guy knew Jesse ... Somehow .... He was feeling anxious ... When someone sat down at his table.

"Your Jesse right"

"Uh ye ... You victor?"

"Ye man .... I'm here now but I'm not your guy ... I'm the guy you meet before the guy"

Jesse thought this "guy" is either a big deal or this victor is talking shit.

"So you got something for my guy?" Victor asked with his hand out.

"Ye man" Jesse passed him a bag of meth.

"He will be in touch"

and with that he left.

Jesse looked at Amy and mouthed "what the fuck!"

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