Chapter 34 - For Sale

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Victor shoved Gus down the stairs. Jesse saw Gus was biting his tongue and fighting back the urge to kill victor, probably because he had a gun to his head.

Victor shoved Gus in to a chair next to Walter and Jesse, "I bet your wondering what your doing here huh?" Victor smiled proud of himself. Gus looked at Jesse and Walt as though to say il take it "victor what are you doing? You have been a loyal employee of mine for many years now, let us go free and I promise things won't change we will forget this happened" he was hopeful that his speech would work, he was good at persuading people. "You don't get it do you! I don't want things to change! I am sick of being treat like a dog by you, it was bad enough at first talking to me like shit and paying me a shit wage, but then you employ these two idiots and they get more of a cut than me! Nah I'm not taking it man!" Victor started pacing the room. "Victor we can discus a pay agreement you didn't need to take it to this extreme" Gus said trying to talk him round again. Victor started laughing "oh no I'm past the pay issue now Gus, Iv been paid a lot by someone else! An old friend of yours. You see you can buy and sell just about anything if you go to the right places. And one of the biggest drug lords and two pretty good meth cooks bring a really good price" he started smiling and rubbing his hands together.

Jesse started getting angry and tried moving again, "bitch let me out of these rope I'm not a fucking animal!" Jesse and victor started shouting at each other until Gus shouted "SHUT UP! ..... Victor who have you sold us to exactly?" He waited, dreading his reply.

"Your good old friend Don Eladio, he raised the price too, he really wanted you guys" he said pointing to Jesse and Walt, "oh and I think the chance to finally kill you like he should have all those years ago really sold it for him" he looked at Gus and started laughing again.

"Bitch you ain't selling me like a piece of meat! When I get out of these ropes I swear I'm going to kill you!" Jesse shouted to him.

"Really Jesse you think that is going to help the situation!" Gus shouted back at him. Walt remained quiet. "Man why are you so quiet are you not bothered your being sold like a little bitch!?" Jesse said as he struggled to get free, Walt rolled his eyes at Jesse "I have nothing to stay here for Jesse so why put up a fight?" Walt said as he looked away staring in to space. He had obviously given up, Jesse knew he had to try and do something he couldn't just sit here and let Victor sell him and Walt to a Mexican drug lord!, he knew Amy would be worrying and with the baby on the way he had to get home to her fast.

Victors phone started ringing...

"hello .... Uh yeah man.... Ok il come up and meet you.... Yeah they are secure they ain't going nowhere!... Alright man bye" Victor laughed as he looked at Jesse, Gus and Walt all sat in a row. "They are here boys!" He shouted as he ran up the stairs.

As soon as he was out the door Jesse started tugging at the ropes, "you won't get out like that Jesse stop struggling" Walt snapped at Jesse. "Well it's better than sitting there like a fucking cow going to the slaughter house like you, you might not have anything to fight for but I have! You lost your family because of this shit, well I got news for you man I ain't letting this shit happen yo!"

Jesse struggled to stand up, when he finaly did he had to hop around the room still attached to the chair trying to find something to cut the rope with before Victor came back.

He tried nearly every drawer until he found the box cutter he was looking for, he hopped back over to Walt, "I know you have given up but help me man! I need to get to Amy!" He turned around and backed up to Walt's hands that were also behind his back and handed him the box cutter.

Walt just managed to cut Jesse free when they heard voices coming down to the lab, Jesse put the box cutter in his back pocket and sat back where he was and wrapped the ropes around his hands and held them so it looked like they were still tied.

Victor came in the room with a big guy and a very serious looking guy. They walked down the stairs and stood at the bottom looking at Walt Jesse and Gus, "well I know him" pointing at Gus "are these the two meth cooks? They look like father and son!" The serious guy said waking towards them, "yeah man they are the two you're after, best meth Iv ever seen" Victor added clearly sucking up to the serious guy. He got in Jesses face and smiled "is he even old enough to do this shit!" He laughed. "Man I make the best meth you will ever have but I swear I god I ain't cooking shit for you!" Jesse snapped at him, the serious guy got up and said "we will see kid" then he have Jesse a back hand slap and walked away. "Gaff, Miguel .. Let's go in the other room and talk business ... Away from the kids" victor joked with the two men, who Jesse had just learned their names and mentally jotted them down too. They left the main lab and entered a side room leaving Walt and Gus tied up and unknowingly left Jesse free to roam the lab.

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