Chapter 19 - family day out

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Badger and pete came to see Amy and soon as they walked in the room Amy started crying.

They sat at either side of her and Jesse stood at the foot of the bed.

"Listen Amy this isn't you fault yo it's that bastard Tuco" badger said

"Ye man and he's gonna get it don't you worry about that" pete said looking at Jesse.

"How you feeling though" pete asked and she looked straight at Jesse and they smiled.

"Are we missing something here?" Badger said

"She's pregnant yo" Jesse said

"NO WAY! yeah man congrats guys" pete said jumping up to hug them both.

They sat and talked for hours about combo remembering him.

A week later Amy was back home, and feeling a lot better, nothing else had been done by Tuco and it had been combos funeral it was a hard day Amy was a mess but Jesse stayed strong for Amy.

One morning jesse walked in the bedroom with orange juice and Amy's morning folic acid tablet for baby and she said

"Hey babe do you think we could go out today?" Amy asked

"Sure, anything for you, where do you want to go babe "

"Well" she walked up to him and put her arms around his neck "I was thinking we could go to" she kissed him again "your moms " she pulled back giving him a pretty please smile!

"Oh babe do we have to" Jesse sulked

"Babe you have put it off for nearly 2 week now"

"Fine fine we best get ready" he walked off and Amy chuckled ... She had won!

She went to get dressed, she chose a pale blue sun dress it made her look innocent, she thought it might help jesses cause.

In the car on the way Jesse said

"If she kicks us out or won't even let us in don't be offended it's not you it's me ok?"

"Ok babe ... Thank you for doing this" she kissed his cheek while he was driving

They pulled up outside Jesses parents house.

Jesse took a deep breath

"You ready for this" Amy asked him.

"A thousand years couldn't prepare me for this babe I hate going back they always talk down to me and tell me what Iv done wrong in my life everytime I fuck up" he said

"But you haven't fucked up babe your giving them good news and I'm there" she smiled and gave him a long sexy kiss "I love you Jesse pinkman"

He grabbed her chin and smiled before saying "I love you too babe"

They got out the car and walked up to the door, Amy was nervous, she couldn't imagine how Jesse was feeling.

Jesse nocked on the door and looked at Amy and grabbed her hand. His palms were sweaty, Amy looked at him and mouthed its ok.

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