Chapter 23 - busy night

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The day after the encounter with his parents Jesse was meeting Mr White to poison Tuco.

He met Mr White and headed to Tucos building.

They had to be let in through buzzers and all sorts of security, if they only knew, Jesse thought.

"Heisenberg! I hope you got all my meth man! Id hate to have to show you who's boss" he looked at Jesse "again"

Jesse was grinding his teeth knowing he had to be quiet and put a front on just to get this dick to take the ricen meth.

"I get it man I'm sorry for crossing you" Jesse said holding back the urge to kill him there and then.

"How is your girlfriend by the way ... She was super hot man! I hope I didn't wreck her beautiful face" he laughed "Oh and those titties!" he licked his lips. Mr White changed the subject because he knew it was seconds before Jesse went for him.

"So Tuco I got a new type of product for you to try, let us know what you think before we carry on cooking it" Mr White said hoping he would take he bait

"Sure it's for free right?"

He asked opening the bag

"Of course, your one of our most loyal customers"

Tuco took a hit of the meth and Jesse was dying to laugh and say FUCK YOU BITCH! But he managed to hold it in.

"It's good man it's good, yo gonzo, no doze come try this gift from our friends!" He smirked thinking he had one over on them. Little did he know.

Mr White wanted to tell them not to but he knew he would draw attention to what they had done so he kept quiet and so did Jesse.

They all loved the "new formula" not knowing what was in it.

The deal went down as usual and they were leaving and Tuco coughed like a smoker, Mr White and Jesse knew it was a sign it was working the were pleased inside.

They left the building and got in Jesses car.

They both started rolling about the car laughing.

"That stupid fuck didn't have a clue! Oh man that was some funny shit, I can't wait to tell Amy" Jesse laughed.

"48 to 72 hours from now and Tuco will be laid out on a slab from what looks like the flu, no one will know any wiser other than me u and Amy and we WILL take this to our graves, right?" Mr White asked Jesse.

"Are you seriously asking me if I'm going to tell anyone ... No man Jesus don't you think it's time you trusted me."

"Yes ok I get you. Now the other matter" He added

"What other matter yo!" Jesse snapped

"It's getting extremely hard to come by sudo now I think we should rob that chemical plant tonight Iv been staking it out I know who's working and when" he said looking at Jesse who was looking out the window

"Shit man why can things just be simple with you!" He said shaking his head "just get it organised and il be there man"

Later that night ...

Jesse got in the RV that Mr White parked down he street.

"Walk me through this man" Jesse said putting his head in his hands.

"Ok so there is only one guard on Iv been watching all week. Il clip the gate and enter the door on the left hand side of the building while you distract the guard at the gate, ask him directions or something and play dumb keep him talking, then il wheel the chemical out the door to the back gate where you will come meet me with the RV.... Got it Jesse?"

"Yes man I distract the guard"

"Ok lets do this"

Mr White runs round the side of the building and clips the gate.

"Excuse me sir could you give me directions to the nearest garage please" Jesse asks while keeping an eye on Mr White.

"Ye sure it's all the way down the street then you will hit a crossroads"

Mr White has just got inside the building

"At the cross roads you need to take a left"

Shit where is he come on man. Jesse thought.

"After you turn left there will be a church on the right you need to go down the side of the church"

Ah he's here, Jesus how big a can does he need it's bigger than him yo!

"Carry on for like 2 minutes and it will be on the left" he turned to walk away ... "So let me get this"Jesse said

Mr White is crossing the yard.

"Down the street, left at the crossroads, down by the church and it's on the right 2 minutes down the road"

Mr White is at the gate.

"Thanks man" Jesse got in the van and sped off to get Mr White, they only just managed to get the can in the RV.

They threw them selves on the floor "this better work man!" Jesse said

They drove the van to the lock up where it's stored and Mr White dropped Jesse home

"No more stupid jobs like tonight man I can't do this shit no more!"

Jesse said rubbing his neck

"We will do what is needed to make a hell of a lot of money, and you WILL help me" Mr White drove off

"JACK ASS!!" Jesse shouted to him.

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