chapter 8 - new patient

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Amy and Jesse had a nice night at hers but today was her first day back at work since Ginny died, she was Anxious to leave Jesse alone all day, but she thought she could always call him?!

She went in to the bedroom and sat on the bed next to Jesse

"Jesse I'm leaving in 5 minutes for work, il leave you a key so you can get up when you want" she give him a kiss

"Ok babe see u tonight, have a good day at work .... And don't worry because I know you will" he smiled.

She gave him a cheeky 'you know me so well' smile, kissed him again and she left.


Amy left for work and He dove out of bed ready to cook with Mr white, Jesse sent him a message :-

"Yo Me White, what time you coming?"

He went to his place to get a shower and stuff while he waited for Mr White to get back to him.

Ten minutes later he replied:-

"I have an appointment this morning then il go collect the RV and come for you say 10"

10 o'clock on the dot Mr White pulled up outside the house so Jesse ran out and got in the RV.

"This is great Mr White" He laughed at the ancient RV no one would think it was a mobile meth lab!

"Well I had to spend all my savings on this so it better work!" He snapped at Jesse

"Shit Mr White you can't of had a lot saved! ... Itl work man chill out, my crystal is the best" ... This is going to be a looooong job with this prick Jesse thought.

They pulled up in the desert.

"We will do it here no one will be able to see us way out here" Mr White said

"Ye whatever" Jesse walked off and got ready to cook, Mr White starts stripping!

"Yo man what the fuck you doing!" Jesse shouted.

"I can't go home smelling like a meth lab!" Mr White said.

"Why not I do" Jesse though the was over thinking things.

Shit I hope Amy can't smell it, because I sure as hell ain't looking like some fetish freak!

They start cooking despite Mr White looking like an ass!

They must have been out there hours, Jesse kept sending Amy messages as though he was home so she doesn't get suspicious, He really need to get back soon incase she came around and he's wasn't there.

"So we done yo? Coz I kinda need to go" Jesse said looking at the time. "What are you going to do about distributing our product?" Mr White said.

"Il take it to a guy and go from there man just chill, your getting your panties in a twist like a bitch man!"

"Remember Jesse we need a sizeable profit"

"Yo I'm not completely stupid! I'm not giving it away!"

They both packed up and went home, Mr White dropped Jesse at home and went to put the RV in a garage somewhere 'safe' he said.

Jesse was home about 15 minutes before Amy called to say she was getting ready to go round.

Shit I forgot to shower! He thought do he drown himself in aftershave!

Amy knocks on the door before opening it.

"Hey baby ... Long day?" Jesse says as he greets her

Ye I had a new patient this morning, he's strange, there's something about him I'm not too sure on, recently diagnosed with lung cancer .... Hasn't told his family! It felt like an affair how he was sneaking me in the house and checking before I left ... Weird" Amy said as she flopped on the sofa.

Jesse sat at the side of her and said "your doing this guy a favour babe you shouldn't be coming home stressed out"

"I just think it's weird he hasn't told anyone he's got incurable cancer, I wasn't supposed to leave till 11 but he rushed me he had to be somewhere at 10, ... he barely even spoke, only when I spoke to him I tried talking about his family, his job he's a teacher but no he wasn't interested" Amy said sadly

"Well then lets de-stress you ... That sound good?" Jesse said as he began laying Amy down on the sofa and kissing her.

"That sound's perfect... how thoughtful of you" Amy laughed

"Thats me all over babe Mr thoughtful" Jesse smiled as he continued 'de-stressing' Amy.

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