Chapter 18 - bye bye utah

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Wow so much has happened over night, a car crash, a man threatening me and Jesse, combo died and I'm pregnant! Amy thought.

She had been in hospital a few days and Jesse never left the hospital but he had just gone down to get some coffees.

Amy's sat on the end of the bed thinking about jesses job and how it would effect the baby, he can't stop because they hurt her to get to Jesse if he pisses them off more who's to say they won't do it again or worse hurt the baby!

She got up and was pacing around the room when Jesse got back, he sat the drinks down and went over to Amy,

"Babe, what you doing walking about"

"I'm just thinking there is so much to do!"

"What like?" Jesse said trying to sit her down.

"You need to carry on working because he will hurt me or the baby again" It still felt weird her saying baby, "and someone needs to tell combos mother and we have a baby on the way and.."

"Amy calm down babe it's all sorted ok, Mr White is on with Tuco and the police have told combos mom and we have 8 month before the baby comes just chill out" he kissed her head

"Oh ok" she sat down and picked up her cup and took a sip

"Um why do I have hot chocolate?" She said to Jesse

"Oh ye I called to the maternity suite and got some leaflets of stuff you can't have and coffee is one of them so yeah ... get used to it" he said laughing

Amy smiled "come here" she patted the bed and Jesse laid next to her,

"Your so sweet babe, your going to be an amazing daddy" she kissed him

"I mean it babe il do anything to protect you two" they both smiled.

"Have you told your parents?" Amy asked

"No!" Jesse laughed

"You have to you know, she has the right to know, if she chooses not to be there then that's her choice but I think you should give her that choice"

"Ye maybe, we will see babe. You should call your mom and tell her about the accident and stuff, il go for a smoke" he gave her a kiss and got up "Oh and badger and pete are coming to see you today if thats ok?"

"Ye that will be nice babe thank you, I love you" she smiled at him

"Love you too babe"

Amy dialed her moms number

"Hello Mary speaking"

"Um hey mom"

"... Amy .. Um long time no speak"





"So what have I done to get a phone call"

Amy scowled

"You haven't done anything mom I have"

"What this time?"

I'm not doing this again Amy thought.

"You know what, I'm going to tell you then I'm hanging up, so , I met a guy he's amazing we've been together 5 month, I was in a car accident lastnight I'm ok just a few bumps and scratches so my boyfriend Jesse made me call you he said you deserve to know. Oh and I'm pregnant ...."

Dial tone

In her heart she hoped to have her mom call her straight back but it didn't happen, she was abit heartbroken but didn't want to show it.

Jesse came back and saw her sat on the bed looking sad.

"Babe what happened"

"My mom happened"

"Oh, why don't you guys get along?"

"Well 3 years ago on my birthday I caught her in bed with my then boyfriend ... I mean I wasn't really happy with him anyway but it was how heartless she was about it! It wasn't an oh Amy sweety I'm so sorry, she literally said don't act suprised Amy. So I packed my house up that day and moved here to New Mexico, from Utah"

"Shit babe! Is today the first time you spoke since that day?"

"No I called about a year ago and she said she was on her way out and would call back .... She never did"

"Man! I thought my mom was a total bitch"

"Yep, mines the bitch of all the bitches!" They both laughed

"You know what babe, fuck it we got each other right"

Amy smiled at Jesse "doesn't mean you can't call your mom"

Jesse rolled his eyes.

"Ok but tomorrow the guys will be here soon"

She could see he was really dreading calling his mom.

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