Chapter 25 - time is running out

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"I want to know what your boyfriend and his grandpa gave us! Look at us" Tuco said but Amy looked at the floor, he stormed over to her and pulled her up by her hair "I SAID LOOK AT ME BITCH!" Amy winced in pain.


"Are you telling me what to do, huh you really want to go there!" Tuco said walking over to her.

"He didn't give you anything than what you asked for ..... Maybe there is a bug going around?" Amy tried to talk sense in to Tuco.

"I'm am not stupid!" Tuco started going crazy kicking the door and punching the wall then he walked over to Amy and was about to lay in to her when gonzo collapsed on the floor.

"This is a bug huh you stupid little whore! ...look at him! Do something help him!" Tuco demanded

Amy ran over to him and checked his pulse it was very very faint but she didn't want to risk Tuco taking him to the hospital so she told him "there's no pulse he's ... He's dead" she turned the water works on so it looked like a shock to her, and because Skylar didn't have a clue she was also crying which made it look better for Amy.

"I am going to fuck your guys up just watch me!" He said stomping about the room.

"No doze get me pinkmans address and Heisenberg's were going for a drive!" He gave Amy an evil grin. And Tuco and no doze walked out the room.

" Heisenberg! Who the hell is that" Skylar asked

"Look just shut up a minute il explain soon" Amy got her phone out again "listen for them coming back!"

Skylar stepped over Gonzo and walked to the door.

"Jesse it's me again where are you?!" Amy asked quickly.

"Oh babe thank god your ok, I'm at Mr Whites figuring out how to get you out" he said

"You both need to leave now go somewhere they can't find you, there coming for you both, the ricen shit is working the big guy is passed out infront of us he won't make it much longer than an hour tops!"

"I got it Mr White!" Jesse said "there coming for us now, we hide and follow them back to where there keeping them!" Jesse said ready to go.

"Baby no!! go get yourself somewhere safe if the big guy is out cold it won't take long for the other 2 right so when they croak il make a run for it." Amy said calmly

"Amy just stay where you are I don't want you doing anything dangerous and Mrs White is 8 month pregnant she's not running anywhere, we're coming!" Jesse said as he hung up.

"Damn it!! There adamant in coming" Amy said disappointed.

"So that should be if it's their fault" Skylar said angrily pacing the room.

Amy walked up to her and got in her face and said "Iv had quite enough of your fucking attitude you have no idea what's going on and what danger they are putting them selves in coming for us when I can handle this so just shut the fuck up!"

They sat in silence for about an hour

Until Amy's phone rang.

"Jesse hurry up they could be back any minute!"

"Um no babe they won't we got them and they were driving to where you are and they died, I need you to look out of the little window you said and tell me everything you see" Jesse said not sounding as hopeful as Amy was hoping he would.

She ran over to the window.

"Ok so there is a abandoned gas station and a um a railway bridge" Amy said straining her neck to see out the small window.

"Are there any people about or cars so you can get someone's attention?" Jesse was really sounding concerned now.

"No babe nothing" Amy said as she started crying.

"Babe it's ok il be there I promise you I am going to find you, I'm going to make some calls and il call you back I love you more than anything Amy" Jesse said needing to be near her.

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