Chapter 3 - dont cha

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She wake up before her alarm and look up to see Jesse sleeping under her still on the sofa, he looks so peaceful so she crept up quietly and decide to take a shower before work.

She stood under the water thinking about the night before again and giggling to her self "I'm 29 for christ sake" she tells herself, she snaps out of it and start singing and dancing in the shower, she starts her own rendition of don't cha - pussycat dolls "don't cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me!".

She wraps a towel around herself and pulls the shower curtain back to see Jesse stood in the door way smirking.

"I sure do" he licks his lips.

"I'm sorry?" She smiles

"Wish my girlfriend was hot like you ... That is if I had one so I suppose I should say I wish I had a girlfriend that was hot like you" he walks up to her and wraps his arms around her waist and kisses her neck, she put her arms around his neck and he looks in to her eyes

"I know what your thinking" he says

"Oh ye what's that"

"Your thinking that lastnight was just a fling"

"I um..."

"Your wrong" he smiled at her

She smiled back

"I mean it yo what ever 'this' is between us I got a good feeling about it"

"Me too" she give him a kiss and said "I don't want to leave but I have to get ready for work, and Ginny is my 1st stop so .... You can walk me" she smiles at him and walk off in to her room.

She finish getting ready for work and when she is ready she tells Jesse it's time to go and he walks her round, on the way he thinks of something she didn't.

"So what we gonna tell Ginny?"

"Shit I never thought of that, what you think she will say? In fact what do we say what are we actually telling her?" She said confused

"We will say we felt something yesterday and we are taking it slow enjoying eachothers company some shit like that, she will be Totally pleased she keeps telling me I need to find a 'lovely young woman' as she says"

"Typical Ginny she always asks me if a 'lucky man has swept me off my feet' and I always say no but I guess I can say yes this time... And it just so happens to be your nephew!" They both laugh

They arrive at Ginnys house and Amy decides to let Jesse go first and let them both in.

Ginny is in the living room when they walk In and she smiles at them both.

"I knew I saw something" she smiled "I don't have any worries about the both of you because you are what the other needs, Amy you work so hard and forget sometimes that you are still young, Jesse will bring a lot of fun to your life. And Jesse you sometimes forget your not a teen anymore any Amy will pull you back to reality" Amy rested her head on Jesses shoulder and they both smiled.

"I'm glad I'm still around to see my two favourite people happy and together"

Amy ran over to her and gave her a big hug "thank you Ginny, let's go you some tea huh?"

Amy and Ginny went in to the kitchen, "I'm just going upstairs to change my clothes and stuff" Jesse said before he kissed them both on the forehead.

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