Chapter 12 - knock out

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Amy and Jesse enjoyed the day with the guys and Amy fitted in perfectly.

"They really like you babe" Jesse said to her,

"I'm glad, there fun guys" she said smiling as she was clearing all the plates and stuff up.

They spent the rest of the night chilling infront of the tv together.

It had been 8 month since Amy and Jesse got together and a little less since Jesse started cooking meth. He began coming home more stressed because of Mr White giving him a hard time about money.

"Why don't you come lay with me babe you don't look so clever" Jesse laid on the sofa wanting her to join him.

She smiled and made her way over to him climbed on top of him and laid her head on his chest.

"Are you seeing Mr White White today?" Amy asked

"Um no babe I'm meeting him tomorrow I'm going with pete today to meet someone see if they will buy all we have cooked not just addicts buying small amounts" Jesse said concentrating on her reaction ... Amy sat up, She looked worried.

"Is that safe babe I thought pete and them were dealing with selling it?" She said.

"They are but this guy wants to meet the cook and there's no way Mr Whites going to go ... I don't know if id send him he would fuck it up!" They both started laughing.

An hour later Jesse was ready to go meet pete, he looked around the house for Amy ... She was in the bathroom ..."il just be a minute babe"

Jesse sat downstairs and waited to say goodbye to her.

"I'm here babe, you going?" She asked looking sad

"Ye I shouldn't be too long though il give you a call when I leave Petes." He gave her a kiss and walked towards the door "love you Amy!" He said "love you too Jesse be safe!" She added

It had been 9 hours since Jesse left, Amy had called his phone but it must have died so she tried Petes.

"Yo yo who am I talkin to" pete said

"Um hey pete it's Amy..."

"Shit yo Amy I been tryna find your number you gota get here quick"

"What, where's here what's happened!" Amy said.

"Jesse got beat up badly .... He's uh in the hospital"

She hung up and drove like a maniac to the hospital, she got to reception

"Jesse pinkmans room I need to know where he is!" She shouted

"229, second floor to the right" the receptionist said pointing down the hall.

Amy ran as fast as she could, when she got to the room she gasped and put her hand over mouth, pete ran out to her.

"Yo amz it looks worse than it is" he said trying to calm her.

"Please tell me he's just resting and not in some sort of coma" she said through sobs.

"No he's resting babe, he stood up to the guy we went to meet and he paid the price" pete said looking at the floor.

"He shouldn't be doing this shit!" She walked over to Jesse and sat next to him and held his hand, his knuckles were bruised and cut so he must have got a few punches in, which made Amy smile.

She sat there for hours talking to Jesse and telling him what he meant to her.

"I know Iv said it about a hundred times since Iv been here but I love you Jesse" she said as she laid her head on him.

"I love you too Amy" Jesse said his voice croaking.

"Your awake! Oh Jesse I was so scared!"

"I'm a tough cookie babe don't worry about me, so when can I go home?"

Amy shook her head and got up and went to look for the nurse.

When Amy came back with a nurse Jesse way trying to sit up "Mr Pinkman" the nurse said "I see your trying to leave? Well I have good news you can go home now your awake, is there someone to take care of you?"

"Um il be there" Amy said quickly which made Jesse smile.

Amy got Jesse home and insisted he went to bed, he agreed as long as she joined him!

She agreed to but only after he ate, so she made him some soup and took it upstairs, she gave him it before climbing into bed herself.

"Damn" Jesse looked at Amy, "if I didn't ache id be all over you babe"

Amy chuckled "save your energy stud" and she kisses him.'

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