Chapter 21 - 1-0

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Jesse and Amy got home and all Jesse could do was apologise

"I'm sorry babe you shouldn't have had to go around there they can't be nice there not nice people" he said as he kissed Amy's hand "listen babe I'm going to call Mr White I won't be long"


"Yo Mr White, were home so what was the issue you called at the hospital about"

"Well ... I realised I can't exactly go on a shoot out with Tuco and his men alone, and before you say anything I'm not asking you to come with me ... I have a different plan. But I need to meet up with you to talk about it"

"Um yeah call today I mean Amy knows everything so it's not a big secret now" Jesse said sarcasticly.

"Ok il call in about an hour"

With that he hung up.

Jesse went back in the house to tell Amy that Mr White was calling round and he couldn't find her ... He started panicking checking every room and shouting her name "AMY! Babe where are you!"

All of a sudden the bathroom door opened and Amy walked out.

"Jesus babe! Iv been shouting you I thought someone had taken you!" Jesse grabbed her and pulled her into a long hug

"Morning sickness babe sorry"

She could feel Jesses heart racing whilst in the hug.

"Listen babe Mr White is coming over later to talk about the Tuco situation and I'm sorry but until it's sorted you can't leave my side babe. I can't I just can't risk loosing you" he put his hand on her stomach "both of you"

Amy's heart melted and she threw her arms around him and they started making out, Amy grabbed his hand and started leading him to the bedroom "wait babe, are we like ok to know" Amy smiles "yes Jesse it won't harm the baby, now come on before Mr jackass comes" Jesse followed her.




Jesse was just getting his pants back on when Mr White nocked on the door, they both looked at eachother and smiled.

Jesse ran downstairs and let him in while Amy was getting dressed.

She threw on some clothes and started walking downstairs.

She got half way down when Mr White said "Hello Amy" she didn't even look at him she just said "Hello Mr White"

"Ok so lets hear this master plan Mr White" Jesse said

"Ok so I didn't think we would have much chance against Tuco and his men because as we've learnt they are unpredictable"

"you mean Iv learnt, not you no one did jack to you or anyone you care about" Amy said with an attitude

"Well yes" he rolled his eyes "so...I was thinking there is a chemical called ricen and I can make it, you only need a very small amount and it will kill a man, and leave it looking like natural causes" he said looking proud of his idea

"that's all well and good man but how you planning on getting this chemical into him, I think he would notice you jabbing him in the arm yo" Jesse said.

"No no it's a powder, I was thinking we could put it in a batch and tell him it's a new type we tried" he said looking at them awaiting an answer.

"Sure if you think it will work I just need him out of our lives, I nearly had a heart attack this morning because I couldn't find Amy ... She was in the bathroom that's all, and I literally nearly died, I can't live like this no more man do what you need to" Jesse said. With one hand on Amy's leg.

"Ok then lets get cooking"

"What now!" Jesse said "no man I'm not leaving Amy here with that crazy son of a bitch about" Jesse said

"Well I can't do it on my own" Mr White scowled

"Can't I just come with you?" Amy asked quietly

"Ye sure babe" Jesse smiled finally someone there who he could talk to.

"What no! It's a 2 man operation"

"Il literally be sat there, it's this or Jesse won't go". Jesse nodded.

Mr White thought for a while ...... "Get your stuff and be quick we need to go now"

Amy smiled a yes! 1-0 Mr White kind of smile. And they all went to pick the RV up.

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