Chapter 27 - the big C

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"Skylar will you wait up!" Walt shouted to her.

She stopped in the street.

"WHAT! ... What do you want Walt!" Skylar said very angrily.

"To explain" he said trying to hold her hand.

"Don't you touch me! ... There is something very strange going on here lets recap shall we Walt! First of all you do something that causes your 8 month pregnant wife to be kidnapped along with an angry young woman! Second of all you give some Mexican man a drug that causes him and his friends to die! Thirdly that boy was checking up on his girlfriend the whole time we were down here and not once did you ask how I was or ask to speak to me! So you answer me this Walt what the hell are you up to!" She said getting in his face.

"Can we go home and talk about this" Walt said calmly

"Not a chance! It is not your home anymore, tell me what your up to!"

"Ok ok Skylar calm down, I don't know how to say this but I um ... I ... I cook ... um methamphetamine with Jesse ... The guy in there" he said looking at the ground.

"Holy shit Walt are you fucking kidding me!" Skylar said stepping back from Walt.

"Wait Skylar let me explain .. I had to do this there is something else I haven't told you..."

"Oh really is there! Surprise surprise! I don't wants to hear it Walt, I didn't marry a drug dealer" she started walking off.

"... I have cancer Skylar! ... I have cancer!" Walt shouted to her to stop her walking away.

She stopped in the middle of the street and turned to Walt looking shocked.

"What!, Walt when? why haven't you told me?"

"I didn't want to worry you who the baby nearly due and all. It's lung cancer, I'm starting chemo in 3 days" he said walking towards her.

He tried to put his arms around her and she stepped back.

"this changes nothing Walt your a drug dealer!"

"What no I don't deal it I just cook it Jesse and his friends deal it"

"Oh well that changes Everything ... Not!"

Jesse and Amy came out of the building and witnesses the battle between Walt and Skylar in the street.

"Lets finish this at home guys we have to share a car back" Amy said as she got in the car.

Jesse chose to sit in the back with Amy he wanted to be close to her.

They sat and kissed and cuddled all the way home.

He meant it she was never leaving his side again this was too close a call for him.

Skylar and Walt sat in the front not speaking a word all the way home.

Amy thought to her self how can a couple get this far apart, she knew the feeling she had for Jesse would never change, in a way she felt sorry for Skylar and Walt.

When Amy and Jesse got back they went inside and Amy sat straight on the sofa and cried.

"Wow babe it's ok your home!" He sat next to her and she hugged him so tight he knew she was scared.

"Jesse ... It was so scary ... I thought he would kill us ... He was so mad and .."

"Babe don't think about it ok it's over your home and your safe and he's dead ok he's gone forever and he won't be coming back ok" he kissed her head "I need to make sure your safe until I can stop this, I will make our lives better baby I promise. I'm surprised your still here Iv nearly got you killed twice in the space of a few week" Jesse started crying at the realisation of what he had actually put Amy through.

"come on lets get you to bed you need some rest you have had the worst day imaginable" Jesse said leading Amy upstairs.

They went and got in bed and Amy snuggled up to him and grabbed him tight and said "don't let us go".

Jesse loved it when Amy talked about things as the 3 of them. He had never thought about kids until it happened, now he couldn't wait to start a real family with Amy, but first he needed to find a way to get out of the situation he was in and protect his new family.

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