Chapter 36 - Almost There

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Jesse drove like a mad man back to the house, swerving in and out of traffic, running red lights, he had to get home to Amy before somebody else did. He could only imagine what they would do to her and their baby to get back at him.
He kept on looking back but still no sign of the car, 'oh shit they must have caught up to Mr White or Gus, he could think about worrying over them, he had to get to Amy, she had no idea what trouble she could be in.

Jesse drove up the drive and jumped out of the car leaving the engine on and door open, he flew in the house like a bat out of hell,"AMY!! Babe where are you!?"
He screamed as he ran through the room, "I'm here babe!" Amy came running down the stairs with the file in her hands, Jesse smiled despite what was going on, it made him fall more and more in love with her to see how she still thought about protecting him and getting the file to he DEA while she was nearly ready to give birth.
Jesse ran over to Amy and pulled her in to a big hug "I am so so sorry for putting you through this shit baby please believe me!" Jesse sobbed in to her neck, "Jesse it's ok we are going to get away from all this and start a new life with our baby, just us 3 ok!?" She looked at Jesse and kissed him quickly, "now come on we got to go to the DEA like now!".
They both ran out to the car, Jesse still driving like a mad man, "seat belt on baby, I need to drive like this, I won't explain just yet but please be safe" he said as he looked behind him and every direction possible for victors car, still no sign, Jesse thought this was weird but no matter what he had to get Amy to the DEA with the file.

He was speeding down the street hitting every speed camera and red light possible, as he pulled up outside the DEA office he stopped for a minute, he put his head in his hands and took a deep breath " I can't believe I am doing this" he said running his hands through his hair, Amy looked at him and threw her hands around him "baby it's going to be ok, it's the only way. I will always be by your side no matter what happens. Ok? Now come on we have go do this" Jesse looked at her and kissed her passionately then they got out of the car, walking in to the DEA offices hand in hand.

The walked up to the main reception desk and waited to be seen, a big woman with dark curly hair came up to the window and said "yes how can I help you". Amy looked at Jesse and mouthed "you can do this" he looked at Amy's bump, smiled and took a deep breath. "I need to speak to a DEA agent, I have evidence and proof of a huge running meth lab right here in Albuquerque" the woman picked up a phone in a flash and asked for a man named Detective Schrader to come to the reception ASAP. She told Jesse and Amy to take a seat.
They were sat there for about 5 minutes when a little bald guy walked down the stairs and straight to the desk, he was talking to the woman on reception before coming over to Jesse and Amy, "can I ask you both to come in my office with me please?" He said calmly, "yo we're not under arrest or anything are we?" Jesse asked him. "No not at all were just going to chat" Amy got up out of her seat and pulled Jesses arm as though to tell him to get up.
They walked with the DEA agent into his office

Detective Schrader sat behind his desk facing Amy and Jesse. "Sorry I never caught your names" he said looking at he pair "I'm Jesse and this is my girlfriend Amy, look man we need to get to the point this is some serious shit" detective Schrader scooted his chair closer to the desk "ok you tell me what you know and we will see where to go from there" Jesse gave a sarcastic laugh "no man this is our lives and the life of our baby on the line here I need something from you before I say anything" detective Schrader gave out a sigh "and what is it you want mr..?" "Pinkman" Jesse finished his sentence for him, "yeah, what is it you need from me Mr Pinkman?" Jesse held Amy's hand and smiled at her "I need to know you can keep me and my family safe from the people I am about to tell you about yo they are bad people, dangerous, they won't think twice about taking out me Amy and our baby" Amy's face sank realising what could happen to them "ok Mr Pinkman I will get you and your family in protective custody for now and if the information you give is substantial I will put you on witness relocation program, and they will not find you, that I can guarantee".
Jesse looked at Amy who was crying, he put his arm around her and said "baby it's going to be ok you know the shit we have is important and this guy can protect us, we can have what we always wanted just us away from everything, ok? No more crying ok I'm going to keep you safe if it kills me" she nodded and they both looked back at detective Schrader, "ok so ... Um ... Ok I admit I used to cook meth back in the day after I left high school, but I stopped and this dude found out and said if I didn't cook with him he would hand me in yo, and I had just got with Amy and I didn't want to loose her, I thought I could do it for a few month make him some money and he wouldn't need me anymore, but it just got worse he got us involved with bigger drug lords and fucking fried chicken guys.." Detective Schrader stopped him there "wait a minute you lost me there for a minutes, first of all who is the guy who bribed you to cook with him?" Jesse looked at Amy and said "Walter White, my old chemistry teacher" detective Schrader's face dropped and he got up and started pacing the room.


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