Chapter 26 - the truth is out

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Jesse and Mr White were sat in Mr Whites house trying to figure out how to find the girls.

"We should split up and like choose a side of town each and go to all the abandoned gas stations one of us is bound to find them right" he said pacing the room "we can call Amy when were at one and say like yo can you see me!" Jesse got his jacket on ready to start his plan.

"Wait no Jesse who's to say there even in New Mexico?" Mr White said, Jesse looked disappointed.

"Shit! I never thought if that!" Jesse flopped back on the sofa.

He got his phone out again and called Amy.

"Jesse are you here!" Amy said excited.

Jesse rubbed his eyes

"No babe not yet, listen I need to ask you do you remember how long you was in the car for before you got to where you are now"

"No I was nocked out .. Wait Skylar!"Amy said running over to Skylar.

"Skylar you was awake in the car weren't you! How long were they driving before you got here?"

"I don't know 10-15 minutes" she said.

"You hear that babe 10-15 minutes"

"Sit tight babe that narrows it down we will be there"

After Jesse hung up him and Mr White got in the car, mr White drew a map with a 10 mile radius of how far they could have got in 15 minutes.

Every time they got to a gas station they called Amy to see if she could see the car, after the 10th Jesse started to loose faith.

"Man were never going to find them!" Hitting the dash board.

"Hey! Hey! Calm down Jesse were going to find them, there are 3 more gas stations on my list it had to be one of them" Mr White said.

"Man fuck you and your list, are you even bothered your wife has been taken! I'm a fucking mess here and your all Mr cool!" Jesse snapped at him.

"DONT YOU DARE SAY I DONT CARE! you stupid little drug addict!" Mr White snapped back at Jesse.

"What the fuck man! I haven't used for like 3 month! Iv changed yo... For Amy!... What ever man just drive dont even speak to me" he looked out the window.

"Gladly!" Mr White added

"Good!" Jesse had to have the last word.

They got to the next gas station and Jesse called Amy.

"Any luck babe do you see us" Jesse said with no hope in his voice.

"Drive round the other side" Amy asked "wait wait! Are you in Mr whites car!"

"YES! Can you see us!?" Jesse said jumping out if the car.

"Babe I see you ... Where you are now look right and there is a very small window next to the curb do you see me!" Amy said knocking on the window.

"Hang on" he was looking "babe I see you I'm coming now!"

"MR WHITE! Their over there come on!" Jesse ran over the road and tried to get in the building but the door was locked, he kicked at it but it wasn't budging "Mr white help me out here yo!" Jesse shouted to him.

They both started kicking as the door until it gave way.

"Amy I'm inside, shout" he called to Amy.

"Jesse ... Jesse ... Jesse" Amy began shouting him.

"In here Mr White!"

"Amy both of you move back"

They both kicked at the door again.

When it gave way Jesse ran in to Amy's arms and kissed her. They stayed in the hug for ages.

Mr White and Skylar stood at opposite sides of the room staring at eachother.

Jesse and Amy left the embrace and Jesse held her face and said "I thought I lost you ... Both of you" as he out his hand on her stomach.

"Never Jesse ... never" she smiled and put her arm around his waist and looked at Skylar and Walt.

"Um you can hug and kiss or what ever floats your boat you know we won't watch" Amy laughed.

Skylar looked at Amy and Jesse then back at Walt.

"I don't want to be anywhere near this piece of shit"

She waddled past him holding her bump and out of the building.

"Wait Skylar come back" Walter chases her out of the building.

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