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The humming of a smiling woman echoes through the black void, sounding soothing like that of a child's lullaby.

The woman in question was beautiful. Her legs were swaying casually up in the air as a mischievous expression hung on her face.

She looked like a child up to no good.

"This is soooo boring!!" She frowns getting off up of the bed, grabbing a nearby snow globe off of her shelf.

Upon closer inspection, the snow globe didn't seem very ordinary. In fact, it seemed to contain a entire whole world within.

"I can't stand this silence anymore! It's been.... like forever since I've seen anything good!!" She sighs looking exasperated.

Her shoulders sag with disappointment as she drops the snow globe carelessly back onto the shelf. "It's all so predictable. Obviously the fl will end up with the ml no matter the hurdles. Even if in some world's it ends tragically, everything is soooo predictable!"

The beautiful woman with golden eyes pokes the globes uncaringly. Many of which seemed to be covered in dust.

"I'm especially sick of watching this world!" The woman suddenly grabs the snow globe that lay on her bed. She gazes at with unreadable eyes.

Her entire being became solemn for just a second. Her black hair which was too long to even see the ends of, cascades down her back looking like the embodiment of midnight.

"Can't believe I've watched this world the most. What did I even see in it? It's just the typical, 'Oh cherish me ceo, cause I'm not like the other girls, no. I'm pitiful and helpless'. Potooey!" She angrily puts the globe back on the shelf. "Such a useless female lead deserves to rot! Seriously, the only reason why the world would be on her side is because, the other people around her are all scum! Wishing despise upon others!!! However if they weren't as hateful, put side by side by the pure useless fl, they would win hands down."

The Overseer sighs seeming to give up. She lays on her bed hopelessly. "Such boring worlds. No idea why each world has to choose such predictable people to help out, and play the storyline. I'd much rather see...." the overseer suddenly sits up as if having an epiphany.

"That's right!!! I'm the Owner! What I want goes! So if I mess with them it should be fine, right???" She happily stands up and grabs the previous snow globe.

"It's not like there is anyone around to stop me." She laughs evily. "But if there is, you better show yourself right now!!! Or forever hold your peace."

The overseer seems to wait a couple of seconds before grinning devishly. "Just as I thought. Then... I'll do as I please. Anything to ease my boredom!"

With an evil smile plastered on her face, the overseer uses her nail to puncture the glass of the snow globe. Suddenly she was sucked in, restoring the peace to the once noisy void.

Hey guys just a heads up, the romance for this story will begin in arc 3!

So please don't worry and just enjoy.


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