Arc 1-4: Ceo, Take me Please!

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CHAPTER 4: Fight!

The plane lands at the airport safely.

The group immediately head over to the hotel. Faith had her own room right across from Kris, so that he could check up on her periodically.

Kris was busy, he was here on business afterall.

Thus he informed Faith that he wouldn't be able to keep her company tomorrow.

Faith didn't really mind. She needed a day to locate Leona anyways. So this worked out well.

She nods at him and watches him leave her room.

Faith falls asleep happily. Tomorrow her plan will start.

The birds were chirping, the sunshine was out.

She exits her hotel room, only to stare up at the blue sky.

It was cloudy, however not gloomy. A good day to start her search.

Honestly she has no idea where to find Leona. The only time she's seen her was back in their home country.

However she knew her habits. Afterall she's watched this world countless of times.

Leona loves working out at the gym. She especially likes practising kickboxing.

And since she's rich, and comes from a high end family, she must go to a prestigious gym.

That narrows down the search by quite alot.

It'll also most likely be a gym close by her house, or workplace, which aren't  hard to find out where.

Naturally Faith couldn't move around so easily, as Kris' servants surround her. They were there to cater to her every need and to look after her.

During the car ride Faith gathered all of the information she needed, and was able to narrow down her choices to 2 gym's.

One near Leona's home and one near her workplace.

The car stopped in front of the gym next to her house first.

Faith exits looking fresh and elegant. She wore a long brown trench coat, with classy boots.

She goes to enter the gym however was stopped at reception. "Miss do you have a reservation?"

Of course exclusive gyms sometimes require appointments, or VIP access cards.

Faith glances at her subordinates, gesturing for them to take care of it.

Kris is a influential man anyways, so she may as utilise him while she could.

Leaving her servants behind, Faith enters the common room, only to see people working out.

There weren't many, around 5 or so people, however each of their bodies were fully sculptured, showing no excess fat at all.

From the corner of Faith's eyes she could see an athletic figure practising her punches and kicks against a sandbag.


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