Arc 6-3: The Beloved Anti-Hero

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CHAPTER 3: Meeting everyone

2 months pass where Isabel has been quite idle, sleeping and eating, remaining in the inn.

However her suspicions were confirmed.

The demon, Edward, really was here to scout out the humans territory.

They have smartly set up stores, to disguise their secret bases, as they watch over everything.

Once that was done, Edward finally decided to escort the little dragon back to their home base.

He was curious to see how she knew Henry.

Isabel looks at the carriage in front of her, as various men kept packing up things.

"Are you finally taking me to see Henry?" Her voice was as monotonous as usual.

The long blue haired demon revealed a eerie polite smile. "Of course, little Dragon. It is time for me to return afterall. I've finished what I wanted."

Isabel nods firmly.

It was finally time.

She hoped she wasn't too late. She hoped Rose was still alive.

It wasn't long before Isabel and Edward were on the carriage and out of the city of Arlo.

The sky was blue, not a cloud in the sky. The chirping of birds were peaceful.

Isabel puts her head out of the window, watching the scenery pass peacefully.

That is until the carriage stops abruptly.

Edward frowns. "What's going on?"

Edward didn't even need to ask, as a sudden righteous voice roars in the air. "Halt!!! You white malicious dragon! Come out now and fight!!"

The Overseer's violet eyes widen ever so slightly.

Don't tell her...

Those humans from the start were still hunting her!?

Edward turns to gaze at her. "You silly dragon, what do you want to do?"

Isabel sighs. "I'll take care of it."

She sticks her small head out of the window to address them. "Turn back mortals, you know you cannot slay me."

Unfortunately the mortals do not heed her warnings. They smugly respond back, "this time dragon, things will be different! We bought the great hero party with us!!"the man laughs.

The Overseer froze.

The... great hero?

She could only think of one person.

The man who was summoned along with the ml to this world.

Victor Furnis.

This man was the first to brutally betray Henry. He collaborated with the King, to steal Henry's legendary weapon. Once they deemed him useless, they wanted to kill him.

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