Bonus Chapter #5 When You're the Owner...

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Darcy works till late at night, where finally she can enter Dungeon of Life.

She happily logs in and begins to go teammate hunting. She doesn't have the best levels, however she was confident that using her pretty face would be an advantage.

Eventually an old friend of hers, BigJugs69 invited her to form a team with the best known player on the server Sun.

Of course she'll accept. Afterall, this is probably the best shot she has at winning that prize money.

BigJug69 even said she didn't want any of the prize money if they won. Darcy didn't really care. Rich people are weird.

(Lol coming from a once rich girl huh???)

"Hey BigJugs, are we really meeting Sun here? Isn't he late?" Darcy was concerned. They needed to sign up quickly otherwise they won't be able to enter the competition.

BigJugs69 nods enthusiastically. "Don't worry, and trust me! He'll be here, I promise."

"Well.... alright."

There was nothing to do but to wait.

Fin once more found himself tied up and delivered to that bastard's bed.

"Fuck!!" He curses as he tries to madly escape.

Martin chuckles at his antics. "My my, you're very feisty today." With a harmless smile on his face, he dumps his red wine all over Fin's chest.

"Fuck you! Let me go!! Not tonight, fuck!" The more he resisted, the more the ropes dug into his wrists.

Martin smiles as he slowly undoes Fin's white shirt, leaning down to tentatively lick the wine off. "Hmmm.... it seems you're awfully desperate today." His fingers trace the broad chest beneath him.

The shivers made Fin freeze. He quickly realises that kicking up a fuss won't help.

If nothing He does will help, then why does he even try!?

However remembering the dead look in his sister's gaze made him angry again.

He can't give up. Not unless he wants to become like her!

Martin smiles seeing his pet become quiet. He leans down and sucks his nipple, his naughty hand travelling down to undo Fin's belt.

"Wait." Fin's voice was calm and unnerving.

Martin pulls away only to smile at the hatred still dancing in Fin's eyes. "What's wrong? Don't you know there are consequences if you make me wait?"

Fin inhaled a deep breath to calm down. As much as he wanted to scream and curse and to kick up a fuss.... he couldn't today.

And although he hates what he's about to say with a passion.... for once today, he must sacrifice himself for his ambitions.

"I have a deal to make." He stares at Martin straight in his black eyes.

Martin smiles feeling interested in this new change. "What is it?" He runs a hand through his dark brown hair.

"You always attack me, pleasure me. Don't you want me to do that back to you?"

Martin suddenly erupts into laughter. His little pet seems to have grown a brain!

Fin bites his tongue using the pain to keep him sane. His next words really didn't want to come out of his throat. His lips were even trembling from disgust. "In return for.... pleasuring you." He almost gags at the word. "I want to be allowed to use the vr capsule!!" His eyes were shinning with determination.

Martin was shocked. "Wait... That's all you want?" He pulls back his hair laughing so hard that tears were emerging.

He was absolutely amused.

As much as he loves tormenting his little pet, seeing the look of disgust on his face when he forces himself to pleasure Him(Martin) would be just as euphoric.

Ahh... now he's trembling from excitement.

Seeing his silence Fin frowns. "Don't worry, I won't run when you untie me. It's not like I can get very far anyways."

Martin leans down and places a big kiss on his forehead. "Smart. You're learning". He leans over and begins to undo the ropes.

"Fine, I agree to your proposal." He suddenly sits up on the bed resembling the King of the underworld.

"Now pleasure me!"

Darcy was beginning to get anxious when there was still no signs of Sun anywhere.

"BigJugs, are you sure he'll be here! If he's not here in 2 minutes, I'm leaving to find a new group to join!!"

BigJugs69 hurries to stop her. "Wait, calm down DoctorAngel! I promise he'll be here soo-"

"BigJugs I'm here. Sorry for being late!" Sun was bretahing heavily, as if he really did run all the way from somewhere just to be here.

That immediately made Darcy forgive him.

"That's okay Sun. But we don't have time to lose. We gotta sign up now!!" BigJugs energetically exclaims.

And just like that, the team of 3 rush to sign themselves up.

They make it with 30 seconds left on the clock!!

As soon as the timer was up, all groups automatically were teleported to the arena where a large battle took place.

As usual teams collaborated with other teams to gang up on Sun.

Afterall he has a large target on his back from being known as the best of the best, and holding many records under his name.

However no matter how many fought him, they would all lose.

Team Sun won. Plus they were the crowd favourite.

It was fun!

However soon after the competition was over, companies and guilds began to try and poach players.

As well as Sun.

Sun didn't care about this nonsense. All he knew was that he had money now to earn power.

So did Darcy.

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