Arc 2-3: My Handsome King

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When Zia next awoke, the sky was dark.

She felt groggy, however she was otherwise okay. She glances around, and realises that she was currently asleep in a small space.

Very slowly, she sits up.

"You're awake." A voice whispers to her in the dark.

Zia turns her head around, only to see Drew sitting comfortably on the floor of an broken down carriage. Looking around her, it seems they were in a junkyard.

"We were worried." He softly says. His eyes were gentle, as his hand caresses the twins heads. They seemed to be asleep on his lap.

Next to them, cramped up, sleeping with his mouth wide open was Noah. His nose had dried blood all over it. Sitting in the front besides Zia was Ava.

Everyone was asleep except for Drew. "I'm alright." Zia responds after a few seconds of contemplation.

"That's good." He smiles showing off his dimples. "You were out for two days."

Zia softly touches her stiff neck. No wonder she felt strange and had a strong ache in her belly. " How was everything after I passed out?"

"Fine. The boss still doesn't know that we were responsible for two of his men's deaths." Drew bites his lip nervously. "Zia.... What now? Will we be okay? Can we really take down the boss?"

Zia nods determinedly. "We need a bit more info. But I'm confident I can storm the place and take over."

Drew frowns. Before he could voice his concerns, Zia's stomach begins to rumble. "Oh yeah. We saved you some food. It's under the floorboards in front of Ava."

Zia nods and reaches over Ava, only to retrieve some stale bread.

A small sigh is released from her lips.


She doesn't want to eat this junk.

"I'm not hungry." She mutters. And just as she was about to put it back, Drew stops her.

"Zia. I don't know what's wrong with you, but you need to eat. The only way we can survive is if we eat. How will you fight if you're not full? We should be thankful to even have bread. Others starve where they lay on the streets. They don't get pity. No one does."

His grave voice caught her attention.

She gives him a deep look.

Her stomach rumbles once again.

With a sigh, she reluctantly takes a bite.

She hates it.

Almost as much as she hates having to go to the toilet.

It's such a bother that humans have to do it.

The dry bread was incredibly hard to swallow, however under Drew's watchful eye, she does her best to consume it.

Humans are really pitiful.

When she thinks of those desperate eyes that most street rats have, she understands she's not in a position to argue.

She isn't Faith anymore.

She's Zia.

A rat.

Drew nods happily, acknowledging her actions. "Good. So what's the plan. What do you want us to do now?"

Zia thinks for a moment before suddenly responding. Her green eyes seem to sparkle brightly as she tells him her thoughts. "Spread the word. We want the whole slums to know. There exist a kid who is scarier and stronger than even the boss himself."

Drew looked puzzled. "You want the boss to be prepared for our attack? Why?"

Zia smiles wickedly. "Because then a transfer of ownership won't be too messy. Everyone will know who their new boss is."

Drew nods realising she didn't mind for the negative, as she was looking at the positive. "What after?"

"After that, we'll need more info. We'll need to do some recon. Find out the patrols, guards etc. The information I got out of the guy will come in handy. This is what we'll do in the coming days!"

The boy nods.

It seems they've come up with a plan of action.

The next day, things occur just how the Overseer had expected.

At first, no one was buying into the whole 'New boss ' thing. But after some demonstrations, and evidence people began to believe he was real.

There is a new challenger for their boss!

Some people felt more hopeful and open to the situation, others were more frightened.

'What if he was was worse than their current boss? '

People in the slums were always on edge, especially the boss. He was becoming paranoid, waiting for the bastards in the shadows to do something.

Naturally this piece of news, helped Zia identify the defectors. Essentially people who would side with her once the boss was gone.

His loyal guards will be of no use to her.

Time was also of the essence for Zia, as she didn't know what part of the plot she was in.

Has the doctor already died?

Is the empress already the empress?

She wasn't sure, and she was getting a little anxious to know.

Still, she took her time.

Her plan requires meticulous planning and care.

Finally the day came where their preparations were complete.

It was time to storm the boss' castle!

A short chapter.


Next one will be longer I promise.

Don't forget to comment, vote and share.

It really helps me out alot!



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