Bonus Chapter #6 When You're the Owner...

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Just like that, people were now able to make a living off of playing Dungeon of Life.

Fin went to invest into real estate. Though it's not big rewards, the market is typically stable. So he knew he would be earning money somehow.

Whereas Darcy used her portion of the money to start up a new business.

This is the one she'll use to destroy and crush that pair of mother and daughter.

Unfortunately for Darcy however she soon found out that she was blacklisted in the country.

This must be her father's doing.

How cruel can he get?

Just when she thought she had lost all hope, Mona her new best friend offered her a deal she couldn't refuse.

Turns out Mona is the daughter of a rich man in Y country. Using Mona's connections, Darcy was able to set up her company without any hassle, and easily find investors for the new database security she was creating. It's supposed to rival any of those on the market.

Fin was still stuck in a vicious cycle with Martin. However he was indeed slowly growing stronger. Plus if he wanted freedom for one night, he now knew what he had to do.

He hated himself for doing so, but it was the only way for him to get his revenge. If he needs to sacrifice his body, then so be it.

He can't get any dirtier than what he already was.

It was a new morning and as usual Fin came rushing through the arcade, straight up to the showers.

Darcy could immediately see new hickeys all down his neck and chest.

Although she recently found out he was Sun, and that he had stopped glaring at her, she still was curious about his pastimes.

Don't tell her....

He's a sex addict!?

She shot up from her chair at that thought.

That's not healthy.... right?

She didn't know why, but these days she was finding herself worrying and wondering about him.

Perhaps it's because she's never seen someone as talented as him. Or perhaps it's because she has limited contact with the other sex.

Whatever it was, today out of curiosity she climbed the stairs.

Very carefully she raises her fist to knock on the bathroom door.

However before her fist could collide, a shout from behind the door echoes out first. "Darcy!!! Are you downstairs!? I don't have any fresh towels or clothes! Please help get me some."

Darcy sighs as she chuckles a bit.

What a dummy. How could he forget things as simple as that?

Darcy hurries to rummage for the items he needs.

"I got them!" She exclaims.

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