Arc 4-3: Step on me, Strong Independent Woman!

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Sana creeps out of the door, only to see a long dark hallway ahead.

She had goosebumps traveling up her arms because of the cold, and her bare feet which touched the tiled floor, made little to no sound.

She was trying to be sneaky.

Using her keen senses, Sana was able to safely find the set of stairs that lead upwards.

Behind her was the basement, with the room they were locked in, and the torture room.

Once more she shivers, however this time she didn't know if it was because of the cold or her thoughts.

Swallowing down the fear of getting caught, she slightly opens the door ajar. From the angle she was looking out, she could see two guards.

However judging with her ears, she could hear 3 sets of breathing.

Someone else was standing in the area.

Straining her ears, she could hear tableware clatter.

Perhaps it was a servant?

Sana bites her lips with thought.

How was she going to get through?

A distraction?

With what!?

She was really upset that she couldn't just beat them all up.

Looking around, she finds a loose tile on the stairs. Moving very slowly so as to not make noise, she was succefully able to dislodge it.

Now what?

She looks around from the crack from the door.

She could see a vase besides one of the security guards.

However throwing such a large tile will surely be suspicious.

She glances to her side, only to see a window.

It was barred.

However the gap in between the bars was open enough that if she were to throw the tile, it would get through.

She grins.

Glancing at the window to the main room from her position, she aims steadily.

Using minimal strength, she hurls the piece of tile successfully through the bars, and into the targeted window.

*bang* *clatter*

The three people blocking her way gasp. "What was that!?"

Of course she doesn't miss. She is perfect afterall.

They slowly walk towards the smashed window.

Taking this chance, Sana slips through the door, and races to the stairs.

Since the Overseer didn't have any of Sana's memories, she doesn't know where the bathroom is. However for such a large house, surely they would have at least 2.

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