Arc 7-2: Yum, Brains!

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CHAPTER 2: Trying!!!!

The Overseer opens her brown eyes. Her eyesight was blurry, her head pounding.

She felt weak all over.

Her feeble body was in a fetal position. She was feeling hot and cold flushes.

What was happening?

Is her body already sick?

She attempts to sit up, however she was too weak to do so, and so she slips right back down to the dirty cold ground.

Looking around it seems she was stuck in a damp makeshift cell.

The heat was unbareable. Causing her to inhale large gulps of air, trying desperately to fill her lungs.

Her throat was burning.

However the sound of metal clanging startled her.

"You're awake!" A gruff rough voice jeers.

It took every fibre in her being to keep her eyes focused on the new arrival.

He wore worn out armour, and carried a bat imbued with nails. He had a scruffy beard, and his face was a blur to her.

She frowns as be kneels besides her. "I guess you were telling the truth. That really was a dog bite." He suddenly grabs her by her collar, pulling her to her feet.

"No hard feelings right, Claire?" He laughingly pushes her out of the cell, causing her to topple over her own two feet.

She grimaces with pain, from the impact to the floor and sighs.

The clothing she was wearing was too shabby. It barely fit her skinny body, slipping off her shoulders and waist.

She was shocked to see such a garish red teeth bite on her arm.

It did not look like a dog's. The teeth indentations resembled a humans.

Before the Overseer could think too much about it, the man picks her up by her collar and pushes her out into the sun.

She was momentarily blinded by the sunlight.

"Come on, keep moving." He commands, shoving her forwards.

The Overseer squints, taking a closer look at her surroundings.

She did not look like she was in a zombie world.

All around her were humans and civilisation.

People were smiling, eating. They were clothed, and seemed carefree.

What happened to the survival stuff that entity was talking about?

This didn't seem too bad.

The Overseer drags her heavy feet and listens to the directions of the gruff man.

Eventually they reach a small house, resembling a store cottage. It was made from brick, looking warm and cosy.

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