Arc 1-5: Ceo, Take me Please!

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The two girls were panting as Leona tapped out of Faith's hold.

It seems Faith had won, even with such a petite and dainty body. The coach was gobsmacked, however the one who was most shocked was Leona.

She seemed exhilarated, however at the same time, frustrated. "You... won." She says in between breaths.

Faith shrugs nonchalantly. "Thanks for going easy on me."

Leona suddenly laughs, scaring the coach half to death. "L-Leona!! Are you okay?"

Leona grins, standing up. "I'm fine." She holds her hand out for Faith to take. "Let's train together sometime. If you're already this good, then imagine you with a trained body. You'd be unstoppable. "

Faith merely smiles. Her plan was a success. Forming a friendship is easy. Her eyes flash in a sly manner. " Do you want to go eat?"

Leona nods. "Why not. I'm free right now anyways."

Just like that, the Overseer was easily able to acquire her chess piece.

The two spend the rest of the day eating, and shopping.

The more the Overseer spent with her, the more she felt she had made the correct decision.

This woman was brilliant.

She was strong and independent. Perfect for the male lead.

She won't hold him back, and will in fact help grow his company. Plus even if she is a little cold, she can certainly hold a good conversation with those she admires.

What a pity, that originally when she finally shows up at the end of the world's plot, she's too late.

Her arranged marriage would be ruined by someone else. And in her effort to understand why she was not good enough, she'll end up destroying herself and her family.

What a pitiful end to someone who doesn't deserve it.

Well, with the Overseer here, things will definitely change!

The next day things proceeded as she had expected.

Kris was to be her escort for the remainder of the day. He looked highly bored, glancing at his watch every so often as they strolled through the shopping centre. His rolled up long sleeved white tee, showed off his chiseled clavcle instantly drawing the gazes from the female populace. His cold and calculative blue eyes stared at everything with impatience, as he kept sighing throughout the day.

Faith giggles as she watches him through the reflection of the display window.

He frowns. "What's so funny?" For some reason Kris felt uneasy being next to Faith. Something about her has changed, and he doesn't know exactly what. So until he can figure it out, he wants to stay away from her as much as possible. Then again, even when he could read her, that was always the plan.

Faith shrugs dismissing his sharp gaze. "You."

Her comment took him off guard. "Y-you. I don't appreciate being flirted with. I already have someone I l-"

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