Arc 3-1: Mr Sexy Vampire, Bite Me!

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CHAPTER 1: Who Am I?

The Overseer opens her eyes, only to find herself starring up at a white ceiling.

She could feel a faint breeze that seemed to be coming from a nearby open window.

The Overseer sits up, her bones ache with her actions. She felt light headed, exhausted, sleepy.

Still, she forced herself to get out of bed, and walk over to the mirror.

The Overseer frowns.

Her hair was fine as silk, reaching her waist. The colour was the same as her eyes. Silver, like the moon itself. Except her eyes had flakes of golden within.

The Overseer tentatively touches her perfect face. It was as if she were carved out of jade. Still, she didn't recognise this face.

Don't tell her...

She took over the wrong body again!?

Seriously, what was happening?

She wanted to take over the body of a human girl. Preferably the fl's friend, so that getting close to her wouldn't be difficult!

The Overseer sighs, as she inspects her room.

Her bed was large, a 4 post bed, with flowy lilac silk curtains. The bed covers were a darker shade of purple, and the walls were white.

Looking around her, there didn't seem to be many objects, except for a photo frame that sat by the bed.

It was a picture of her and an old man.

Suddenly her door swings open. "Miss, you're awake!"

The Overseer inspects the person closely.

He was a servant, the butler.

It seems she has taken over the body of someone of status.

But she didn't know who it could be. Afterall, she's watched this world many times, and knows all of the high profile people.

So not knowing was illogical.

The man with the slicked back black hair approaches her with a smile. "Please come and eat. The night is young."

The Overseer runs her tongue across her teeth, realising she had fangs. At the very least it seems she is a vampire.

The Overseer follows after the butler, with fatigue gnawing on her bones. Her movements were lofty, her aura was one of strong isolation.

This body must have always been alone.

Perhaps that's why as an Overseer, she had no clue who she was.

Her bare feet pad along the carpeted halls, until finally she reaches the dinning room.

It was a large open space. She had French doors opening to a deck, and outside she could see a marvelous garden.

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