Arc 2-10: My Handsome Queen

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CHAPTER 10: No Choice!

The King's guards storm into the room, armed with their sharp swords.

However for every guard, a Knight would enter, here for the general.

It was of course obvious why.

Knights are trained under the general. Thus they develop a bond and deep loyalty towards him.

Men of the military were usually hot bloodied. Despite them obviously betraying the King they still acted in such a manner.

They were still nervous, unsure of what the general wanted them to do.

The King's harsh laughter echoes throughout the room. "I knew it! I knew it! I can't trust anyone! Not even you Elil!!!"

The general's face seems to pale at the King's words. He looks at the knights and quickly orders them to stand down. " No wait, my King-"

"Wait!? Why wait!! Everything is so obvious!!" The King smiles cruelly. "Kill the traitors!"

The general still wanted to explain himself however, it was too late.

No matter what he says, nothing could change the King's mind. Even if he somehow did diffuse the situation, the King would always be distrustful of him forever.

The bond he treasured so much in life was now broken.

The general had tears in his eyes, as he watched his men engage in battle.

Their roars of passion resonated from their hearts. "We'll protect you general!"

"Even if we die! We'll gladly die for you!"

The King's guards on the otherhand were ice cold. They were trained killers, protectors.

No words were needed for them to act.

Zia felt a headache looking at the mess before her.

If things were allowed to continue, then eventually the Knights would lose.

This is because they were surrounded. And it was also because there were more guards than knights here.

The only way for them to escape is for the general to fight. However looking at his dispirited self, she knew she had a hard task ahead of her. "The only way out now, is to kill the King."

The general's body shook, as if receiving an electric shock from her words.

She continues. "It would've come to this sooner or later. Otherwise how did you expect to save yourself?"

The general turns to the fortune teller. She was watching everything calmly. For a woman, she didn't show any cowardice at all. His fists clench as he speaks through gritted teeth. "I wouldn't have killed him. Instead I would have over powered him."

"Even if he wanted to kill you?"

The general nods. "Yes."

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