Arc 2-7: My Handsome King

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CHAPTER 7: To Our New Collaboration

In situations like this, where women must show off their talents, the first person to go has the most pressure.

They must set the bar.

Therefore the first to go is usually the least talented. That way as the competition goes on, the most talented person will shine, making things more entertaining.

So it was natural that no one wanted to be picked first.

The King randomly looks around. He knew who's daughters were lacking, and who's excelled.

Still, for some reason he had a sudden urge to choose the woman sitting in the back, with her green dress. "You. You can start us off."

Zia was shocked silly.


This wasn't apart of her plans, however to continue with the world's plot, she must perform badly.

The only problem is...

She couldn't even if she tried!

The Overseer is perfect in everything. How can she perform badly?

But if she doesn't, then the event she described to the general may not happen!

Zia sighs, controlling her facial expression, keeping an elegant and poised smile on her face.

"Of course, your highness. It'll be my honour." She bows properly and takes centre stage.

Everyone was looking at her.

She could feel their judgemental stares, their prickly glares, and even some infatuated ones.

Still this moment was peculiar.

If the people were following the world's plot, then this shouldn't even have happened.

She was an inconspicuous character.

So how could she have been called out?

Zia didn't have anymore time to think about it. She ignored the attention and tried to think of something she was bad at.

Of course this was impossible.

The King's voice suddenly rings out. "What's your talent, dear?"

Zia unconsciously responds. "Guqin. "

She just said the instrument the fl would later use.

Oh no!

Her eyes widen with alarm, and before she could change her mind, the King had already spoken.

"Someone bring out the guqin!"

The instrument was placed in front of her.

She could see the ridicule in everyone's faces.

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