Arc 7-10: Yum, Brains!

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CHAPTER 10: Ouchies


A wooden chair breaks against Cole's back.

He falls to the ground, hard!

Blood trickles down his chin, causing Claire to shiver from rage.

She couldn't help it.

Her heart was bursting just from seeing him bleed.

He was hers now. Her responsibility.

They can't break him so soon!

Just as she takes a step forwards, Cole however gives her a dark look. "Stay." Is all he says, before shakingly getting back to his feet.

Claire frowns, however as if by habit, she automatically does what he says.

The soldiers gave the soldier who wacked Cole with the chair a dirty look. "Dude, what did you do!?"

"That was so dirty!!! We are gonna get in trouble!"

"We can't fight like that! How are we gonna just pass this off as messing around??"

The soldier who has now garnered the enmity of his friends became afraid. His huge smile was gone. "Come on guys. I-I didn't mean-" He was trying to play it off.

However Cole moved faster than he could speak.

The soldier was knocked out cleanly by a chop to the neck.

The other soldiers didn't have time to process it before a loud voice booms across the field. "What is going on here!?"

"C-captain!?" The soldiers shudder from fear, as they hurry to stand straight.

This was Allessandro's father. The very man who runs the whole base.

He was the top dog. Wearing his uniform with pride. He had a clean shaven face, with sharp features that Allessandro inherited. Still, his soul is unyielding whereas Allessandro is the opposite.

The Apple really does fall far from the tree, huh.

The captain narrows his eyes down on everyone, awaiting for an answer.

When no one speaks, his eyes narrow down on Cole.

Cole was the only one not holding his head down in shame. Instead he wore a mocking smile on his face, as he stared at the soldiers.

"You're Major McKenzie's son, right?"

Cole nods. " What about it?"

He gives Cole a hard look. "It's yes sir! Learn some respect. "

The soldiers couldn't help but sweat now.

They nearly bullied the Major's son.

That was bad, really bad!!!

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